chapter 18/the new girl

Comenzar desde el principio


Mya: well just me I guess

When, school was over I walked out the school into a girl bump into me

??:I am so sorry

Chaz:it's o..Ok

I said", noticing that it was the girl talking to Jabez

Natalie:I'm Natalie


Then, Jabez walked over to her

Chaz:well I got to go

Then, I walked away quickly

Natalie:well nice meeting you

She said", screaming out to me

I got into my car and drove off. When, I made it home. I got out the car and walked into the house and went up to my room.
I sat my things down and sat in my bed into I got a notification from Instagram.
I looked at the post and saw that Natalie follow me but I didn't follow back.

Then, I texted Mya

Chaz:you still coming over

Mya:yea I'm just getting some Starbucks

Chaz:can you get me a drink to


Chaz:plz I'll pay you back

Mya: fine

Chaz:thxxxxxxxx girly


Chaz:uh rude

Mya:I'm just playing with you

Chaz:yea I know you are

End of text messages

I put my phone down and went downstairs and saw Jabez on his phone texting someone.
Andre playing the game.

I walked downstairs and Jabez look at me then, look back at the phone.

I went to the kitchen and grab me a bag of chips and went back upstairs to my room.

I started to eat my chip while watching TV

Then, a minute later I got a text from Mya

Mya:I'm here

Chaz:ok Andre will answer the door


End of text messages

Then, she walked into my room

Chaz:well you came in here fast


Chaz:ok gimme my drink

I said", holding out my hand

Mya:ok you owe me

Chaz:yea I know

Then, she gave me the drinks and I started to drink it.

Chaz:what kind is this cause this good

Mya: frappuccino with caramel


Mya:So did you talk to Jabez

Chaz:No we're not really on speaking terms

Mya:well y'all need to talk it out

Chaz:ok and that will happen someday not now

Mya:I know you really like him a lot and you can't push him away Chaz cause I know that will break you.

Chaz:let's just not talk about this right now

Mya:yea like you aways say you can't keep your feeling inside all the time you got to let them out you make everything hard

Chaz:well I'm not trying I'm just not that person that go around telling people how I feel it's hard for me to do that.
When, I was younger I really wanted to do that but my mom was aways busy.
It's hard for me Mya I wish I could do what you do but I can't  ok I really can't.

I said", trying not to cry

Mya:but you can do now Chaz you can change things.

Chaz:can we plz not talk about this plz

Mya fine

Chaz:let's just watch a movie


Then, she sat in the bed by me

We turn in a movie and started watching it

A few minutes later the movie was over.
We started talking.
Then, she went home

Then, I got up and went to my bathroom and took a shower then, I went back to my room.
Then, I put this on

Then, I tide my hair up

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Then, I tide my hair up

I got a little hungry

So I went downstairs and saw that Jabez was still over

Andre:what up Chaz

Chaz:hey Andre

Then, I walked into the kitchen

And made me some noodles and went back upstairs into my room.
Then, I sat onto my bed and started to eat my noodles when, was done eating .
I layed into my bed on my phone.
Then, I went to sleep.


I might not post tommorow or I will you never know✌️

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