Operation: P.L.A.N.E.T

Start from the beginning

We open to a field of flowers.

Numbuh 3: (gets up and sees the ship sinking) The ship! No! (Looks around) Numbuh 4? Willow? Where are you? (Sees footsteps and picks up the device that was given to Numbuh 4 and his popcorn bucket) This is Numbuh 3 calling moon base we've crashed on some alien planet, our rocket is now at the bottom of a lake, (starts to follow footsteps) Numbuh 4 is missing I'm assuming she has gone off on her own to explore the planet, and I'm requesting you guys find a way to get us out of here once we are done. (Laughter and a silhouette runs pass her) Willow? Hey Willow is that you? (Turns around and starts to back up hears some type of animal noise) What's that? (Starts to walk off and we see from above that at least two unknown beings are following him) What is going on with all the animal life on this planet. (We see more following)

As he trips over a rock we see a silhouette with red eyes and the screen goes black.

We open to Numbuh 3 groaning with his head on a table sitting a heart chair and a yellow rainbow monkey tea cup next to her. 

Numbuh 3: (sits up still with his popcorn) Huh? Oh good something to go with my popcorn. (Grabs the cup a takes a sip) Hey! (Turns cup upside down to see nothing in it) It's empty. (Put cup down) At least I still have my popcorn. (Takes a bite)

???: What's wrong don't ya like ya tea?

Numbuh 3: Hey you're rainbow monkeys.

We now see two rainbow monkeys (RM) a blue boy one and a yellow girl one. They are holding clipboards

Blue RM: Of course we are.

Yellow RM: Would you prefer some sugar in your tea?

Numbuh 3: (looks dumbfounded) There's nothing in that cup.

Blue RM: Oh but of course there is. It's pretend tea. The very best kind.

Numbuh 3: No my little sister makes me drink pretend tea all the time and to be honest I kinda hate it. She doesn't know that because I try to be a nice older brother but it's rough sometimes.

The RMs gasp

Yellow RM: So what your saying is, I mean what I'm wondering is…

Blue RM: Are you a boy?

Numbuh 3: Yeah. I thought it was obvious? (Tries to get out of chair) This chair is really hard to get out of. Hey can you tell me where my friend Willow is so we can find a ship and go back to our planet.

Yellow RM: Don't worry we'll help you find your friend if you just answer a few questions for us first.

Blue RM: (hold up a colorful ink-bolt) What does this look like to you?

Numbuh 3: (Eats some popcorn) I wanna say caterpillar with it's guys all squashed out. Or a butterfly.

Yellow RM: And if I say snuggle-wumple-lious what's the first word that comes to mind?

Numbuh 3: (getting annoyed still eating popcorn) What? Oh it's one of those extra girly lines my sister likes.

Blue RM: Ok and which of these do you like better. (Holds a picture of a girl doll and a cat)

Numbuh 3: (getting angry while gripping onto the popcorn bucket) The cat. Now I want to know where my friend is!

A boy green RM comes in.

Green RM: What is going on here?

Blue and Yellow: General Hugs.

Blue RM: We're so glad you're here sir. This morning our snuggle squad captured something amazing. A real life human boy.

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