XX. It's Okay to Fall Apart

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, so what's your plan, slick?" John B spoke, taking the reins.

JJ continued to rummage through the house. "Well, as thou hath stealeth from us, we shall stealeth from ye."

"That kind of got lost in translation."

"An eye for an eye, John B," JJ stated as he moved massed the door and into the kitchen.

"Yeah, that's great, JJ. But what happens after you rob a drug dealer, huh?" John B moved further into the house, but Stella stayed where she was. "He knows who we are!"

JJ scoffed. "I'm not scared of this guy." When the kitchen was searched, he walked into the bedroom.

"JJ, don't—"

When JJ was in the bedroom, John B turned to Stella. "So, are you gonna help anytime soon or...?"

Stella raised an eyebrow at him and opened her mouth to speak, but was cut off by JJ's voice ringing through the air. "There we go," the boy said from inside the bedroom. The two teenagers outside could hear shuffling.

"What are you doing?" John B called out, turning away from Stella.

"Getting even!" JJ answered. A few moments later, he walked out of the room with a small bag in his hand. "Alright, took care of business."

John B stopped JJ from walking past him and leaned forward so he was in his face. "Hey, look at me. If you keep going down this road, you're gonna end up just like your dad, do—"

JJ grabbed the front of John B's shirt with a hard gaze of anger. "You watch your mouth, man."

"That's enough," Stella scolded with blatant disapproval, stepping closer to the two boys. "Both of you."

The two boys released their hold on each other at the harsh look she was giving them.

A beat of silence passed before JJ looked between his two friend. "Aren't you tired of being messed with?" JJ questioned, his voice having a sharp edge to it.

"That's not the point, JJ," John B stressed. He glanced back at Stella for help, but she just looked to the side.

Stella was fortunate enough to have Kook privileges. She had money, she had her mom to bail her out, and other Kooks rarely started fist fights with her because their parents would get mad for beating up a fellow Kook. She was well aware of her privilege and even more aware of her friends' lack of. She had it easier than them and was tired of seeing them mistreated.

JJ shook his head, answering his own question. "'Cause I am." He pushed past John B and headed towards the door, but Stella got in his way and stopped him. "Move, Stella."

"You're not the only one Barry will go after, JJ," she pointed out, looking up at him. "He'll come after all of us. If we didn't have a target on our backs before, we do now. You're asking us risk our necks and I don't think everyone's up for that."

"Are you?" JJ asked, clenching his jaw in the process.

Stella knew what he was asking. Are you willing to risk your neck for me? Are you going to stand by me in this? He didn't need to clarify what he was asking. She knew. She always knew.

With pursed lips, she gave a curt nod. "You know I always am, but do you want me to?"

JJ knew his answer to her question. He'd rather die than have Stella hurt by something he caused, but he could have lost her today. The one and only thing he had to lose and he almost lost her. All it took was the slip of Barry's finger and the sun his world revolved around would have burnt out. He wanted Barry to pay for what he had done—for what he could have done—and there was nothing drug dealers loved more than their money.

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