Chapter One Biatches ain't Ship

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*Hayley's P.O.V*

The second my foot stepped into the school gates the whispers started. You know? THE whispers. The incessantly annoying gossipy whispers that all seem to involve me and a very painful death. I let out a small chuckle, I could write a book with the amount of death threats I get but people would probably burn it...... 

'she's such an Emo. Have you like seen her hair?' One bleached blonde slut murmured to her friend. I rolled my eyes. Way to stereotype, just because my hair is layered and has a shiz load of coloured streaks does not make me emo.

'I heard she killed her neighbours pet cat' Another whispered. I don't know where they get their information from but they're severely misinformed, I didn't KILL the cat but it may or may not have a permanent limp and a slightly wonky tail....not my fault though!! It shouldn't have messed with my pet mouse.

'How can she not like one direction?'





'Suicidal freak.'

The list of names goes on for so long it would make my brain hurt to think them all....but you get the main idea. People pretty much hate me in this school but I can't imagine why....Ok there was the incident involving red paint and the school mascot, the soap in the science lap eye wash, the frogs in the maths cupboard and the black dye in the soap dispensers but it doesn't give people a reason to hate me.....much.....Ok maybe i've caused my fair share of trouble and mass destruction but people need to learn not to pee pee me off. I tied my purple hoodie around my waist and cranked up the volume on my headphones.

'BIATCHES AIN'T SHIP AND THEY AIN'T SAYING NOTHING, A HUNDRED MOTHER FLUFFERS CAN'T TELL ME NOTHING. I BEEZ IN THE TRAP BE-BEEZ IN THE TRAP' I screamed at the top of my lungs as I searched the yard for my bfflad's. A couple of teachers gave me disapproving looks but they couldn't really say anything because of the way i'd cleverly changed the lyrics. I'm just a genius like that. I skipped towards the two familiar figures that where standing by the edge of the yard. 'BOO' I screamed watching both figures jump about three feet in the air. The taller turned around to face me, an unimpressed look on his face.

'Hey Hayley.' He said rolling his eyes as he looked me up and down. 'I see you've chosen to "befoul" the uniform again.' I rolled my eyes right back at him. The designer of our school uniform must've been a serious dweeb, no one can look good in it. Unless you're like me and you decide to...edit it.

'Not "befoul" Casper.' I said shaking my head in mock shame. 'Edit.' His twin, Kayla grinned.

'Same old Hayley.' She cheered throwing her arm around my shoulder. 'Hey by the way.' I returned her grin.

'Hey Casper and Kayla.' These two people are the only two people in this entire school who are actually friends with me and they're pretty damn epic if I do say so myself. Their practically identical apart from the fact they have slightly different styles and ones a boy and ones a girl. Casper's older by 2 minutes, he's also taller and has more of a skater boys style. Kayla's really small and's kind've a tom boy/ girlie girl if that makes any sense. Well actually i probably doesn't but i'm surprisingly ok with hat, you already think i'm a weirdo don't you?...don't answer that question....Smoothing down my "edited" version of the schools crummy uniform I linked my arms in Casper's and Kayla's before dragging them up to our hell hole of a school. I really don't understand how this place hasn't been closed down, it's actually a health hazard.

Walking past the crowd of bleached blonde barbies that were reapplying their cakey make up right in front of the school doors we stepped inside. Me and Kayla ignoring the cat calls of the sleazy jocks and Casper fighting off the claws of the barbies. You can barely even move inside this school without getting groped, it's no wonder half my year are pregnant... Sighing I walked to my locker, Casper and Kayla walking close behind me, arguing over something trivial. I was just reaching for my maths text book when a hand took hold of my shoulder. I span around preparing to go all kinds of ninja on whoever it was who thought it was ok to touch me only to come face to face with my principal. She turned her nose up at me as if i was some form of mould before speaking her snooty, high pitched voice ringing round and round in my head.

'Hayley winters?' She asked like she didn't already know the answer. I nodded dryly snapping my gum just to irritate her. 'You're  suspended effect of immediately. I want you off school premises within the next ten minutes.' My jaw dropped. What the actual fudge? I haven't actually done anything (yet) So why should she suspend me? One of the barbie dolls probably fed her some shiz story about me doing drugs in the bathroom or something....I don't do drugs in the bathroom by the way.

'Why?' I asked my mouth still in a perfect o. The principal smiled a sickly sweet smile that was almost as intoxicating as the perfume she surrounded herself with.

'For disobeying the uniform code.' she eyed my modified outfit with disgust. I snorted, ok maybe i've shortened my skirt, tightened my top and switched the tie a strip of ribbon that's i'd covered in band buttons and patched but compared to some of the girls my uniform was nothing. At least it still covered all of my butt!! 'For defiling school property.' She said eyeing my locker which, to be fair was covered in doodles but not all of them where drew by me! I'd only drawn a picture of Justin bieber being eaten alive, it was the other girls who'd written the curse words on it, or at least most of the curse words. 'And for calling my daughter  fat skank.' Ok the last one was totally unfair and i didn't hesitate to tell my principal this.

'1. I've only changed the length of my skirt by an inch and my shirt is just a bit tighter than the uniform one, as for the tie you can't seriously expect me to wear green and yellow can you? It'd totally clash with my hair...2. Not all the graffiti was done by me! I only drew that one.' i pointed to my drawing. 'Your daughters friends did the rest!' I exclaimed. 'And three your daughter is the size of a fricking house there's no way you could call her anything but fat! And as for the skank part she wear a skirt that's shorter than her knickers and a top that displays practically all of her stomach. If she's not a skank i don't know what she is.' I looked up, smirking when I saw the rather ugly shade of puce my principals face had turned.

'HAYLEY WINTERS.' She roared her squeaky voice reaching sonic pitches.' YOU AND YOUR REJECT FRIENDS GET THE HELL OUT OF THIS SCHOOL AND DON'T COME BACK FOR AT LEAST A MONTH.' i grinned, no school for a month? Sweet. Grabbing hold of Kayla and Casper I made a mad dash for the school doors that we'd only just stepped in through being sure to bang into as many people as possible.

'GLADLY' I yelled over my shoulder as we ran out the school, across the yard and straight out the gates. We were free! Saved of all torture for a whole month! But there was on small problem. With no school we had no one to prank and with no one to prank we had nothing to do and with nothing to do we were bound to get bored sooner or later and what are we going to do when that happens? Cause some serious trouble that's what..

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