Chapter 1

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Poppy and Branch were looking for everyone. "HELLO?!" Poppy called out. Branch shushed her "Poppy! There might be mutants nearby!" He said as Poppy moved his hand from her mouth. "Branch don't be stupid there is none-" she got cut off by something russeling in the bushes.

Branch got protective of Poppy and noticed it was Barb. Barb grunted and shook her head from the leaves. "Hey dudes!" She smiled. Poppy squealed "BARB!" She tackled hugged as the head of the rock trolls fell, making an oof sound. The two girls laughed happily.

Branch stood down but not all the way. "She may be infected Poppy" he said as Poppy rolled her eyes. "Branch she is NOT infected!! Stop being protective for once!" She snapped a bit, catching Barb and Branch by surprise. Just then they heard a scream. "HELP!!!!" The voice was a female voice.

The trio perked up and went to the sound of the voice, they gasped when they saw who it was. "ESSENCE!" They screamed in unison. Essence's leg was bleeding heavily as the ooze slowly made its way to her. Essence struggled to get her leg out but panted. Barb and Branch slid down and went to help. Barb lifted the rubble while Branch got Essence out. The queen of funk was crying in fear and in pain. Poppy ran over "It's ok Essence! Your safe now!" She said as she helped the queen.

Essence was crying in fear "My husband!!" She screamed and cried. Poppy comforted her as Barb and Branch got out of the hole. Branch had a medical kit and started to help Essence with her leg. Essence screamed. "QUINCY!!!!!" Barb covered her ears. "Dang girl!! Shut up!" She yelled. Poppy looked "Barb! She's distressed! Don't tell her to shut up!" She said.

Barb sighed "fine..." She looked over as Branch fixed Essence's leg. "We need to support her due to her leg, but we need to find her husband" he said. The girls nodded as Poppy and Branch supported Essence as the four of them went to find Quincy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2020 ⏰

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