Renjun was perplexed and pulled away from the hug when she was done explaining, "Then... Why are you pushing him away? He made you feel special, right?" His voice was soft as silk, he was being careful as if he was walking on ice, making sure not to say anything which will hurt her.

"I'm scared, Renjun... I'm so scared. He made me feel so special, I don't think I'll even be able to let go of him, ever." She admitted, looking down at his shirt as tears cascaded down her cheeks but roughly wiping them away with the sleeve of her shirt.

He caressed her hair, an action she always calmed down under, and made her look at him, "Sehun confessed his feelings for you. He freaking told you that he loves you. Why would you even want to let him go?"

Amelia shook her head, her heart clenching and the tears made it difficult for her speak without trembling, "That's the problem, right? What if he's doing this only to save this marriage? What if the moment he sees Yuna, he realizes his feelings for her? What if - "

He held her by her shoulders and shook her a little to pull her out of the poisonous thoughts filling her mind, "Listen Amelia, you're starting to assume a lot many things. Those things are something he'll decide, or some of which he might not even have an answer to just yet. But you'll have to trust him. You will have to give him a chance to prove you how much he loves you."

"But what if he breaks my heart and walks away with Yuna?"

"Then that will be his fault. It will be his fault if he chooses someone else instead of you. But that's his problem. He still has a choice, see? If he was so adamant on going to Yuna, he would have done that right away. But he waited to confess you, giving you his time and love instead of spending time with someone whom you think he loves."

"Okay, let's just assume he really went to Yuna— "

"Then that is his fault," Renjun repeated, "In order to give him a chance and stop yourself from getting hurt even more, you'll have to put your heart in line. Amelia, you'll have to trust him for him."

The words caused Amelia to break down and silent sobs escaped her lips.

"Do you trust him with your heart? Do you think he's worth of your love and even the risk of heartbreak?"

Amelia nodded vigorously. Of course, she trusted him more than she trusted herself at times.

She hiccuped and looked up Renjun with teary eyes causing the latter's eyes to stinge, "But I don't know if I'm strong enough to lift the both of us... I'm such an idiot and a fool."

Renjun shook his head, closing his eyes to stop himself from crying, "My love, you aren't an idiot and a fool. You're so brave and confident to even accept the arranged marriage in the first place. If it was someone else instead of you, they would have ran away or shit their pants the moment they'd have heard the news, " His answer caused her to chuckle a little but he nevertheless continued,

"And who said about you lifting the two of you in your relationship? There's you and Sehun. The two of are together for the rest of your life, you tied a knot, you vowed in front of the Gods above for what? For a commitment you'll both carry forever. The two of you will be tied for the rest of your lives walking together hand in hand. That's what's life partners are for, remember? You aren't in this alone, Amelia. Sehun is there, right here with you. He won't leave you alone." He finished and stared at her shocked face.

For one fact, Renjun knew that he stated straight facts. May be deep down Amelia knew about this but for some reason it felt so good to hear it in person, the exact words she wanted to hear from someone who would understand her. It was like a guarantee and her heart paced erratically, suddenly wanting to run to Sehun.

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