Y/n hadn't a clue what she was doing. She did know she needed a hug. She didn't care from whom it came. "Please find it within yourself and bring back the Jeff I knew," She pleaded, "Not this Jeff, I want Jeffery Woods back." Stunned within the moment, Jeff snapped back and wrapped his arms around the girl. He felt his hoodie sleeve become wet, but decided to ignore it. "He's gone. I lost that side of me years ago." He said, quietly. "He's still there, I know he is." Y/n replied back, squeezing her arms tighter around Jeff. "How can you be so sure?" He questioned, convinced his former self was forever gone. After all, insanity doesn't take one's life away easily. "An insane killer wouldn't hug someone." Y/n stated. Jeff tched and said nothing. Y/n's hold soon felt light and her breathing fell into a more steady beat. "Why must you do this?" He asked the sleeping girl in his arms. "Why must I do this to you..?" He asked, taking Y/n's words to heart. 'Why do I torture her? For fun?' Jeff didn't even know and decided getting you patched up and in a bed would be good for your health. He managed to place you on his back with the help of his trusty buddy, Smile.

*Switching to first POV*

I woke up feeling at peace. "What the heck happened?" I asked to no one. The events from yesterday was a blur. I noticed I'm back in that same room I tried escaping from several times. 'Why am I not dead? I figured he'd kill me for sure.' I let out a breath of anger. My arm still felt numb. I reached over with my good arm to feel where the bullet went through and felt bandages instead. "What the heck? Did he do that?" I asked myself aloud. I just now noticed, my clothes have been changed. 'I don't even care at this point.' I told myself, letting out a huff. The door creaked open and I looked over to see Jeff. "Here to kill me yet?" I asked him and he only shook his head. "No, I'm surprised you're awake. You've been out of it for three days." 'three days?!' "What do you mean?" I asked him. "You had a bad fever, and both your wounds had become infected." He told me. I sat there in shock. "Three days? Asleep? And you didn't kill me?" I asked, quite baffled. Jeff looked a bit annoyed, "I don't know if your remember or not, but I told you I'm not going to kill you. Now, are you hungry?" He asked, changing the subject. A blurred conversation flashed through my mind as I tried to remember the previous days. "Y-yeah, I guess." I said, a bit sceptical. "I'll bring it to you." He walked back out the door and Smile walked in. He jumped into the bed and began licking my face. "Smile! S-stop it!" I laughed out, trying to push him off me. He stopped after a few seconds and sat next to me. "Good boy." I told him, petting his fur. "Here." Jeff said, I didn't notice he entered and grabbed the bowl he was holding. "Thanks." I say, seeing the steam come from the hit chicken soup. I took a small bit with the spoon and waited a moment to swallow it. "It's not poisoned, just eat the damn thing!" Gruffed Jeff. I gave him a look and swallowed it. "I, uh, have a question." I said, taking another bite. "What is it?"

"My arm. It's still numb, that shouldn't be like that, should it..?" He let out a sigh, "No, the bullet didn't go all the way through and it damaged some of the nerves in your arm. You're lucky you can even move it." I dropped the spoon in the bowl and lowered it down to my lap. "Will-" I paused, wiggling my fingers and watched them move, "I ever be able to feel my arm again?" He sat down next to Smile on the bed. "I don't think so, and before you ask, yes I was able to get the bullet out." I let out a shaken breath, "Never able to feel with it again... How am I supposed to do stuff if I can't feel with my arm?" (Okay, okay, I know that's not what bullets can do to an arm. Or at least I don't think so. Let's just go with it :"D)

"I mean, you can still move it. It's just like using any other limb, you move them without having to think about it. I'd assume it's the same for your left arm." He told me. I didn't say anything more and continued to eat my soup. "Do you want to watch TV?" He asked, breaking the moment of silence. "I can do that?" I asked, like I've never seen television before. "I don't know, do you have eyes?" He sarcastically said back to me. "No, clearly not!" I retorted, shoving my mouth full of soup. "Alright, I'll be back." Smile whined and I turned to face him. He was eyeballing my soup, so I took another bite and gave the rest to him. "Silly boy, does Jeff not feed you?" I joked. His tail began to wag as he lapped up the soup. In a short time it was gone and Jeff was back with a wheelchair. "Where'd you get that?" I asked him. "Don't worry about it." He said, helping me in the chair. "I know you can walk, but I'm sure after doing it several times, that you don't want to reopen the wound on your leg." I nodded and he pushed dme into the living room. The blood stain was still there. He stopped me near the side of the couch and threw the remote at me. "Watch whatever. I'm going to take a shower." He left the room and I switched on the TV. "-anks Tom. No recent murders are to be reported, all policemen that were called into the woods have been found near the forest's edge. This still remains unsolved and we are planning on sending out a team of army men to check out the suspicion of multiple killers. Another case of murders was reported three days ago in our local police station. All of the cops were dead and a gruesome message was written on the walls. It reads, 'Come find me, we have business'. Who could this person be talking to? Further reports have yet to be sent in. Now onto Jessica for the weather." The news reporter said. I paused, could that other person be Liu? I thought for a moment before deciding to question Jeff about this. I switched the channel, not caring about the news, then it hit me. 'Why am I still here? He should have killed me. I could try and escape again.' Getting caught in my ridiculous thoughts, I slapped them to the side and fiddled with my fingers. 'Everything feels so weird now.' I told myself. My left hand has no feeling, but I can still move it. 'How am I supposed to live like this? I feel like I don't even have a limb.' I groaned aloud and called for Smile. "Smile! Come here boy." I looked through the kitchen and I to the hallway and saw the big dog running at me. I squealed when he jumped and stopped just at my feet. "Jesus dog! You can't just go jumping like a damn God!" I cursed at him and he cocked his head to the side. "You know what? Just forget it. Not like you want to understand anyway." I laughed slightly.

Jeff stepped out from the kitchen and into my view. "Jeff."

"What?" He asked, flopping down on the couch. "Have you seen the news?" I asked him and he shook his head. "I think Liu is looking for you." I said, getting straight to the point. 'Maybe I should hold off the army coming, just in case it is my getaway.' "Liu? You mean that stupid wants to talk now?" He rolled his eyes, "How do you know that?"

"A message was left in the walls of the police station. 'come find me, we have business'. Is what he left." I said, petting Smile's head. "Damn. He must be talking about you." Jeff laughed. "What do you mean?" I asked. "He's pissed that I found you first. Though, he did save our asses. If he killed those guys at the station, then no one would be alerted to send more police men."

"Found me first?! What, am I a prize to find?" I asked, a bit angry that I'm being used as some pawn. "Is that why you found me? I'm just some pawn to use? Were you trying to see how tough I was by torturing me?" Anger started to show in my words and he looked at me."No. Don't think that." He said as bluntly as possible. "Then why does it matter who found me first? Aren't you guys brothers?"

"Sure, but I did try and kill him. We aren't on the best terms. I'll have to watch myself though. Sneaky little bastard can pop up anywhere."

"Whatever. You tried to kill me too, and then just a few days ago you killed my best friend. Seems like I'm talking to you just fine." I rolled my eyes and took in a sharp breath. 'Sure, he's a killer and I don't have to talk to him. Who else am I gonna talk to? The dog?!' I questioned myself. "No one said you had to." He said, shrugging his shoulders. "You need a haircut."


"Why not? Your hair is to your upper back. Don't you get hot or something?"

"Hair is hair, I could care less. And no it doesn't get in my way if I put it up or something."

"Whatever. What time is it?" I asked, trying to change the subject. "It's probably around one or two in the morning." He told me. "Great, I should probably go back to bed then. I didn't know it was that late." I knew it was dark, but I figured it was around ten p.m. "Alright." He stood and got behind me to push me back into the suffocating room. "No trying to escape. It doesn't work anyway." He stated, like it was an order. I rolled my e/c eyes. "Yeah whatever, Dad. I won't go see my boyfriend. I'll stay in my room on my phone, telling my friends how you're a rule enforcing piece of trash." I heard him snicker. "Shut up, Stupid." He stopped the chair and helped me onto the bed. "Can you close the door on your way out? And if possible can you open the window?" I asked the last part in more hesitation, figuring he wouldn't. "Only if you stay in that bed. I really would hate to have to chase you again." I nodded. "Fine, need me to tuck you in too?" He asked in a teasing manner. I gave a small, almost impossible to notice smile, "Would you be a dear and do that for me?" I teased back. "Go to sleep you idiot." He opened the window, shut off the lights, and closed the door behind him. Now left alone to my own thoughts, I drifted off into a slumber.

With the whole arm going numb and still being able to move it isn't medically correct, but who cares? Just go with the flow~~~ haha, anyway, a bit of nice civil conversation between our lovely Y/n and Jeff. Liu is making a reappearance after being absent for a few chapters! Have a good one!!! --- Jenny

Never Leave You //Jeff The Killer X Reader.(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now