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third-person pov !

Tam woke up to the smell of mallowmelt wafting into his nose. The smell was tantalising, yet had a slight hint of tang at the end. That was not any kind of mallowmelt.

It was Sophie's mallowmelt.

Hey, wait. Hold on! Is Sophie here? He thought. Immediately, he jumped out of bed, changed into his clothes and ran downstairs. "Is someone there?" Tam asked, still rubbing his eyes subconsciously. Sophie stared at him and burst into laughter. "I didn't know you wore Spiderman pajamas!" Linh glanced at him bursting into tears of laughter. Tam's face flushed in embarrassment and darted back upstairs. "Why am I such a klutz!" Tam chided himself. He changed into his normal clothes and strolled back downstairs, pretending nothing happened.

"So Tam, Sophie told me you pranked me... Where is it?" Linh questioned.

Tam asked, "What? Where's what?"

Linh glared at him. "My diamond ring? The one Fitz proposed to me with after our double date?-"

Sophie glanced at Linh.

"He proposed to you?"

sophie's pov

Right as I said that, my heart sank. No, no, no... This can't be happening... Hot teardrops dripped achingly slow down my cheeks, as I struggled to wipe them off. The air had become tense, and my heart felt like it was about to explode at any moment. Engaged? That was my dream. To be together, happily married, with Fitz. And right at that moment, my heart already knew the answer to that.

tam's pov

Linh looked at Sophie and covered her mouth with her hands. "Sophie, wait—" It was too late.

Sophie's eyes were already glistening, and tiny beads of tears dripped down her face. It really pained me to see Sophie being hurt, especially by my own sister.

"I... I just need a moment..." Sophie mumbled, before walking out of the room. The air between all of us felt constricted, and I wanted to get it out.

I glanced at Linh. "Did she ever tell you she liked Fitz?"

Linh's face darkened. Slowly, she nodded her head.

"How could you, Linh. Aren't you both a team? Teammates don't sabotage or ruin the other person for a guy!"

Linh's eyes clouded up, as her head hung low.

"You knew. You knew Sophie liked Fitz. What happened to 'Girls stick together'? Why. Why would you go and take someone's heart just to give to someone else?"

Tears struck my face. I was already getting too emotional over this.

"I thought of you better, Linh. Now, I don't even want to call you my sister."

I headed out of the room. I wiped off the tears on my face, before going to look for Sophie. On the countertop, was a note:

Hi Tam,
               Sorry for bursting out so quickly just now. I think I'll take a break at my own house for awhile. See you another time.


linh's pov

Tam walked out of the room. I laid against the wall of the living room.

Why. Why does my brother take Sophie's side? I may be Sophie's best friend, but she always gets the spotlight. Always.

Why can't I have my one moment with Fitz? I liked him before I knew she did, and Fitz doesn't even reciprocate feelings for her. Oh, why does he always side with that Sophie?

"Oh, Sophie is so special! Sophie is so good." They only say that because they don't know whats going on behind the scenes.

She's a back-stabbing, lying, horrible attention-seeker. And now, she's trying to take advantage of my brother. I hate her.

Every single second with her makes me dread life. The only thing she deserves is to burn away.

 The only thing she deserves is to burn away

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will you be mine? [a sotam fanfic]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt