
Start from the beginning

"Nothing...and everything," teased Ellis.

"Fine"—Cedric held up his arms in surrender—"next time you can be the one who asks, then maybe I'll get to see what your common room looks like."

"This is what your common room looks like?"

But now, as she verbalized it, it struck Ellis that this room indeed befitted where a Hufflepuff would dwell. Cedric went on to describe how a portrait of Helga Hufflepuff herself hung above the mantelpiece in the actual common room, which flew with banners of badgers and was embellished with all sorts of magical plants. By the time he finished, Cedric had his hands behind his head, kicked up his feet onto his pouf, and was visibly relaxed. Ellis was curled up in her chair as she hugged her velvet cushion, wondering what he would make of the contrastingly depressing sitting area in the dungeons.

"What are you thinking?" piped up Cedric.


"And everything?"

Ellis chuckled.

"Smiling really is a good look on you," he added softly.

She caught his eye, and for a while, nothing happened besides them staring at each other. That was apart from Ellis realizing they were as mismatched as their Houses' common rooms: he was all bright and sunshine, and she was cold and gloomy. With enormous effort, Ellis dragged her gaze to the fire and forced herself to watch it dance, the inside of her chest aching like it would never stop.

"Is it really that bad, for us to be friends?"

"If you want anything more," mumbled Ellis.

Cedric did not deny, but merely said, in a tone marked by concern, "Why?"

"Because I'm not who you think I am."

"And who do I think you are?"

"Someone I'm not."

For reasons unbeknownst to Ellis, Cedric erupted into laughter. She peeped at him.

"This is not going anywhere," he said, shaking his head. "Listen, how about we get to know each other better before deciding anything?"

"What, so you can spread my story to all your nosy Housemates?" The retort had shot off the tip of her tongue before she even knew it was there; her brain was long accustomed to having those at the ready. Embarrassed, Ellis squeezed her eyes shut and muttered, "Sorry; reflex."

"It's okay," reassured Cedric. "What will it take to make you believe I won't tell anyone? Do you want me to swear it? Do you need me to make an Unbreakable Vow?"

Her eyes burst open.

"Are you crazy?!"

"I just want you to—"

"I believe you," she said quickly, "I believe you, okay? Just don't get crazy ideas again."

Cedric beamed in a satisfied sort of way.

"Well, how's this: I'll go first; I'll tell you something about myself, then you can say whatever's equivalent for you. Like if I say I'm from Hufflepuff, then you can say you're from Slytherin"—Ellis struggled not to cringe. "If I say I'm a fourth-year, you'll say you're a first; and—"

"—if you say you're a wizard, then I'll say I'm a witch."

"Exactly," said Cedric, though blushing a little. "Okay... Well, my Quidditch team is Puddlemere United."


"Of course." Cedric nodded. "My favorite colour is navy blue."

"Not yellow?" taunted Ellis; Cedric pulled a face. Ellis pondered awhile, then said, "White."

"My ideal pet's a dog."

"What kind?"

"Maybe a crup, or a golden retriever."

"My ideal pet is..."

"Try not to say 'dragon,' " said Cedric; it was Ellis' turn to pull a face.

"I wasn't. I was going to say 'niffler,' but I heard they wreck houses. And it won't be fair to my owl—so, owl."

"My birthday's the thirtieth of October."

Breath hitched in Ellis's throat as she hesitated, her fingers clenching onto velvet hem. She swallowed, but when she spoke, still her voice was tiny, almost ashamed to reveal the information.

"Ninth of January."


"Why would I lie?!" barked Ellis.

"I didn't mean it that way," said Cedric hastily, appalled by her abrupt aggression. "It's just, you have the same birthday as Snape."

"Professor Snape?" Ellis sounded incredulous; she was incredulous. "How do you even know Professor Snape's birthday?"

"My friend, Jaime: He got detention with Filch once, had to organize and rewrite old documents containing ex-students' profiles. He came across the class of '78 and saw Snape's."

"And he's interested in Professor Snape's birthday because...?"

"We just wondered if Snape acted differently on that day. So far, the answer's yes: he's more menacing than usual. It's like he hates being born."

"Don't we all."

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