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Freddie: *is half asleep*

Roger: Freddie tuck me in.

Freddie: Shut up, mother f*cker!

Roger: What I'm Deaky.

Freddie: Oh poor baby, I'm sorry! *sits up and sees Rog*

Freddie: You dirty---


 Brian: Hey Fred

Freddie: Oh no...what's wrong dear?

Brian: Nothing I –I just need guy advice.

Roger: I can help!!

Brian: No Rog please no.

Roger: Are you rejecting me?

Freddie: You're the one he likes, Roger. Now, Brian, my advice is no longer needed.


Roger: I'm the cutest member of Queen.

Freddie: Oh no, Roger. You took more LSD.

Roger: Huh?!

Freddie: Holds Deaky like Simba Just look at him.

John: I-


Freddie: Hey, baby I have a question.

John: What's wrong?

Freddie: How come people like Brian and Roger are so flawed and people like you and I are so perfect?

Roger: (hits Freddie with a broom) You just called my child and I flawed! This must be a mistake.

John: (John picks the broom up and sweeps) Sorry I sweep, when I get stressed.


Roger: In one word describe me...

John: Loud

Roger:(screams) What'd you just say about me?


John: (Is crying)

Roger: I think I'm supposed to ask you what's wrong, but I'm also on a no lying policy and I guess I'd be lying if I said I cared.

Brian: Roger Meddows Taylor---

Freddie: Deaky, sweetie pie I am here for you.

John: I've been bullied.

Freddie: (cracks knuckles) Mama just killed a man.


Freddie: (On the phone with his mom)

John: (puts his head against the phone) Hi Mrs. Bulsara!

Brian: No Roger!

Roger: (really loudly) Hey Freddie, can I have a hundred dollar bill to snort cocaine through?


Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been active- I had a mental breakdown and needed to relax and focus on feeling better. Love you all!

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