The calm before the storm|Chapter 1

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You were best friends with Iida or as (Y/n) calls him "blueberry" Iida didn't really like the name but since you were an exception to him, he let it slide but only to you no other can call him blueberry.
(Y/n) was awakened from the sound of her alarm clock, making her whole body jump a bit . She grunted in annoyance, not wanting to go to UA but she knew she had to as a student. She got up feeling the soft rug between her toes. (Y/n) walked to her drawer and picked up her school uniform, got dressed, quickly went to her fridge and grabbed her lunch she prepared for school and ran out 'putting you lunch in your backpack of course'. As you ran you heard a familiar voice "Hey (Y/n)!" She slowed down and looked over your shoulder to see a fluffy, green hair boy. "Hi Izuku!"
(Y/n) responded to Izuku Midoriya, as he manage to catch up to you. He was walking beside you. "Have you seen Iida? I've never seen him be late before since he is always strict about coming early." The green haired boy said.  "Hmmm, come to think of it you're right, Iida is never this late at all!" You exclaimed. You're conversation was stopped by a short brown haired girl as she jogged to the both of you. "Hey guys how are you?" Uraraka asked as she had one hand curled around her backpack sleeve. "Oh hey Uraraka! Have you seen Iida today?" You asked getting a little worried for your best friend. Her smile turned to a small frown "No, I haven't, why? Has he been missing today?" Uraraka asked. "Yea he has." You said as you looked down, tears threatening to spill. Izuku noticed "hey! You never kn-know he might be just a little late plus it's just 7:54- GAHHH!!" Izuku fumbled his phone in his hands, managing to grab it. "Wait, we're late?!!" Uraraka asked in a panicked tone. "Yes we are! (Y/N) we need to go!" Izuku said in panic, his heart was racing. "Al-right..." you said as your voice cracks. "If you want we can talk during lunch time about it!" "Yea!" Izuku said as Uraraka agreed. "Th-thanks guys I don't know what to do without you" you said as you smiled a little then ran to UA along with Uraraka and Izuku. "What took you three so long?" Iida said in a strict manner. "I-Iida!" You hugged him tightly. "Why didn't you walk with me?!" You said doing an angry pout at you're best friend. "I-" Iida's face turned a bit dark but i was able to still see him and he looked at the floor. You looked at him in the eyes "Iida? Is something wrong? Did I hurt you?! I'm so sorry if I did!" You said feeling ashamed and you bowed for respect. "Stop being so dramatic and get to your seats." Aizawa said. "Yes sir!" Iida exclaimed and went to his seat and so did Izuku, Uraraka and you.

Villain Tenya Iida X female Reader Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora