Anthony x Alastor HUMAN VERSION

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For those who haven't guessed or don't know: Anthony = Human Angel Dust.

Anthony(Angel) was walking through the forest, talking to himself, or- his dad. He would say stuff like "I just don't get why you do this to me dad-" and ramble on.
His dad hated him. Anthony was gay, and liked pink. He was shot, and his eyes were different colours. His dad hated it. As a punishment his dad would hit with a belt, and beat him whenever he felt like it.

While Anthony was walking through the forest, he suddenly heard a scream for help. He yelled out "Hang in there! I can help-!" And started running towards the noise. All of a sudden, he came upon a man.

The man was facing away from Anthony, and infront of the man there was a dead body.
Terrified, Anthony started to back up.
The man had already noticed him, and turned his head. At this point Anthony knew he had to get the hell out of there! And turned around to run. At the second he did a knife flew by his face and hit the tree infront of him.

He froze with fear.

The man, Alastor, walked over and turned Anthony around, pinning him to the tree.
Alastor saw something in him. He didnt know what, he just liked what he saw, and decided not to kill Anthony. Instead he taped his mouth, tied his hands, and feet, and took him home.

Anthony was of course scared, and a bit resistant as well, and alastor quickly found out that his new pet or olay thing, or whatever you want to call it, was a bit more difficult to handle.

At first Anthony was resistant, and scared...slowly he became...well,

He just stopped everything.
He laid in bed everyday and refused to talk or eat. His pale doll skin got paler and he got skinnier and skinnier. In the end alastor learned that he needed medicine, that he didn't have.

He managed to get the medicine by finding the papers that Anthony had, that would allow alastor to buy the meds at the pharmacy, however the lady who worked there told alastor that the papers were over 5 years old, and that he'd have to go to a doctor to get them renewed.

It was a struggle, because Anthony was Latrophobic. Afraid of doctor's, but in the end alastor managed to take him there. The doctor revealed that Anthony was deadly sick. He had Cachexia, a disease that will even if an individual eat, still make them lose weight, and muscle mass.

In no time they got the crying Anthony to the hospital.

Alastor took care of him there for a week before they got to go home with medical equipment and on the condition that Anthony skipped no meals and stayed in bed unless it was because he needed to go to the bathroom or bathe.

Anthony however warms up to alastor while all this happens.

Anthony takes sleeping pills, and anti depressants.
He has OCPD too but his Cachexia will be cured and his mental issues will get better over time.

Anthony looks like in the picture below



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