Chapter II: Hazel

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Hazel's POV

When I climbed aboard the Argo 2 everyone was sobbing, it looked like it was straight out of a movie. Nico sat on the ground with his legs crossed, as sobs wracked his tiny frame. I held tightly, smoothing his disheveled hair, whispering comforting words in his ear. Soon after he stopped sobbing, Nico broke out into a terrible fit of coughs, each one tearing through his throat, startling everyone. Piper approached Nico and I, and sat down beside us.

"I'm sorry Nico." She said.

"It's fine, I just wish-" he stopped mid-sentence, but there was no need to finish, that I could have saved them, was what he was going to say. Tears welled up in is eyes as he buried his face in his hands.

"It's not your fault, Nico. Don't blame yourself." I said trying to comfort him.

"I know that, already. I'm fine, so don't worry."

"Your fine," Piper yelled, "Your fine. No Nico, you're not fine. Look at yourself, y-you look dead!"

"All I need is some rest."

"Then sleep," Piper whispered, and immediately Nico's eyes began to droop.

"Thank you," he mumbled and then he was out, snoring softly. Piper turned to me, "I'm so sorry, if I knew what was wrong I would help."

"It's okay," I replied. "I'll take him to the sickbay." Piper nodded and left to go help Jason and Leo with something. I then picked Nico up like he weighed only 10lbs. I then began my long walk below deck to the sick bay.

One thing Leo forgot to put in his ship was an elevator. Seriously was it to much to ask. About half way, Nico began to grow heavy, probably because he was shaking and I haven't eaten or slept in 48 hours. When I finally made it to the sickbay, I carefully laid Nico into a bed and pulled the sheets over him. I placed my hand on his forehead, he was freezing cold, even though it was July. Sweat beaded his milky-white skin and he moaned in his sleep. I took his temperature and discovered he had a fever of 103 degrees Fahrenheit. I gave him as much nectar as possible, but it seemed to have no effect, all I was able to do was place a damp cloth on his forehead like my mother had done for me many years ago.

I then heard the dinner bell ring, and as much as I wanted to stay my stomach growled in protest. My stomach won and I marched up the stairs to the dining room. We all sat around the table quietly, staring at our plates of food. Dinner just isn't the same without Percy and Annabeth. I was about to head back to the sickbay until Leo spoke, "So how was everyone's day?"

Everyone glared at him, did he seriously just ask that question. Piper said, "Leo, we need to have a little chat... outside now," Leo gulped and walked outside without complaint. He's dead. Jason the said, "How's Nico?"

I replied, "Honestly, I don't know. He has a fever and-" I was cut off when I heard a bloodcurdling scream sound in the air. "Nico!" I shouted, as I jump out of my chair, knocking it over in the process. I nearly flew down the steps as I sprinted to the sickbay. Trying to reach Nico as soon as possible.

I reach the the sickbay just as I hear another scream. I rush inside to discover Nico thrashing about in his bed, as if his sheets were trying to strangle him. I quickly rushed to his bedside, grabbing his face in my hands, "Nico, Nico it's me Hazel." His eyelids fluttered, but screams still escaped his lips. "Shh, Nico it's okay. I'm here." I said as I stroke his hair, and whispered comforting words in his ear. Soon, he was sleeping soundly again, with the occasional coughing fir here and there. But for the most part he was back to normal. As normal as an escapee from Tartarus can be, I scolded myself for thinking in such a cruel way. Nico was my brother and has suffered for so long, and has gone through pain that I couldn't even imagine. How could I possible think of Nico that way.

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