Yandere!Idate X Reader

365 13 12

TW: Violence!

You were a viper dogfish. And on a trip to the iceberg isle.
You liked to travel, and that you did. You were the familiar of a certain witch, that taught you well how to use magic.

You were currently walking in the village, you've been here for two days... This time.
You've come to this place other times as well, as you have made friends.

You even managed to get the orca's respect.

One day you happened to stumble into Idate, and immediately became one of his targets.

Of course, you two fought.

You were weaker than him, in fact, but, you brought with yourself a bit of your witch's blood.
As soon as you had the change, you poured a drop or two on your tongue and used your strongest attack.

It did damage to him, surprisingly enough to get his respect.

After that, sometimes he picked on you, other times not but did indeed tease you. You started to become friends.

But he started to become a little creepier sometimes..

Sometimes he interrupted your conversation with others with an affectionate and playful manner to you and with a playfully aggresive manner to the others...


That seems normal, right?

If only he didn't make sure you could do nothing but watch your friends suffer.

He even broke all your limbs once and deprived you of bag and little magical staff, to make sure you literally could do nothing other than that.

And he seemed to have a very, very good time as he tortured them in front of you.

Maybe it was some kind of kink or something.
Turning the strong into weak and making them feel even weaker.
May be.

But, when he got tired, he gave you your stuff back and walked away, satisfied.

You walked to the orca danger zone, hoping to find Idate.
You haven't seen him in a while, not even these two days.
Maybe he is visiting his niece?
You thought, as you walked in the zone.
I'll just check here and see if I find him. If not, I'll see him another day.
You looked around and sighed, then started looking around.

What you disliked about the Iceberg Isle is that everything looked so dull and empty to you... Sometimes even the houses. It looked too peaceful... But probably that's what makes it interesting...

You walked and looked around, but you found no one. So you decided to sit on a rock.

I'm getting hungry...
You thought, as you looked at the sea.
"Maybe I should go fishing. I could ask Rock for some help or assistance.." you said, but then heard a knock knock on the rock you were sitting on.

You shifted slightly in your place and tilted you head slighty to the source of said sound. "Who's there?"

"It's Idate~"

You smiled and turned around in no time, "I've been searching for you! You know?"

"I'm sorry, I had a little inconvenience." he smirked, "Need to tell me something?"
"Well, yes," he sat next to you, "but actually not. I just wanted to spend some time with you before going away."
He passed you an arm. "What?"
"Some food. It's a seal."
"Try it. It can't be that bad!" He smirked again.
You looked at the arm in your lap. "Fine.. Let's try something new..!" You took it in your hands, hesitating, but then took a bite off of it. You chewed slowly, and Idate looked at you intesely and expectantly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2020 ⏰

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