chapter two- stuff happens

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I made that ^
“Whoa buddy, you’re getting strong. Don’t drop me please.” I smiled and ruffled his hair. Remus pulled me into a bear hug and dragged deceit into the hug too.

    I sigh. That was a month ago. That was when I was happy. Before Patton took over. 

We were happy. We were one happy family. I finally got Remus happy, Deceit to talk about his feelings, everything was amazing. Even I was happy. It just all seems so distant now. You’d be surprised how much things can change in a month.  Patton spread his abuse. First it was Deceit. I didn’t notice because he’s a master liar. I did, however, notice that he wasn’t himself but when I asked he just pushed me away.

Second was Remus. I noticed right away with him. He couldn’t lie for his soul. So when he’s quiet all day and doesn’t talk to me, I know something’s wrong. I remember that one day when he was curled up in his bed. He wouldn’t respond to me when I tried to talk to him. I felt like I did something wrong until I noticed that deceit became more cuddly and didn't want to go to his room. I also saw that Patton didn’t really come to me anymore to blow off some steam. 

Third was roman. I knew his pride was fragile and needed constant reassurance. So when Roman came to me limping and crying, I was more than concerned. I still hear him sobbing sometimes. 

Fourth was Virgil. He would always come down to talk to me about his anxiety once a week so when he came with a black eye and a bloody nose I rushed to his side. I still think about how he cried to me about Patton punching him and calling him things I don’t even want to repeat. 

The last was Logan. When he came to me, he seemed fine, kinda off, but fine all the same. I dragged him into the dark sides mind palace and asked why he was here. He just sat there and stared at me. I still feel the raw emotion he gave off when he hugged me. 

Everything was crashing down on me. No one was able to do their respected jobs, I mean, Patton could but I think he enjoyed watching me run round both mind palaces, completing the jobs of my friends who seemed to be virtually empty.

It all went to hell when Thomas summoned me. He said that everyone wasn’t really doing a good job and I just started to silently cry as I finished some work for deceit. The work never ended.

“Are you ok? Everyone seems to not be giving in much effort of late.” I just sat there crying. I don’t think it made it better when he noticed that I had a piece of clothing from everyone on. Their clothes made the job easier to do as some of the items I was wearing gave me the ability to connect to Thomas. I was wearing one of Logan's ties, Virgil's old hoodie round my shoulders, a red sash that cuts into green, and deceit’s hat.

“I don’t have the time right now Thomas. I’m really trying, if I keep doing all this work, you can function like a normal human being.” I turn up to Thomas who looks surprised.  

“I-it’s fine. It doesn’t matter how I feel. I just need to get this done so you can live. Nothing else matters right now.” he tried to put a hand on my shoulder which I flinched away from. I watched Thomas frown.  

“What do you need? Some metal dilemma? I-I can squeeze in some time for that. Shouldn’t you be having lunch for your mom?” I heard the voices of my friends in my head. 

(Maybe you should give up)

(This isn't worth it)

(What does Thomas do for you?)

(Let's give up and sleep)

“Shut up!” I scream. I look up to Thomas who looks terrified. 

“No no no! Don’t be scared. I just had to take up all the jobs from my comrades. The work never ends. I didn’t know how much work goes into making sure you’re breathing. Sorry if you’re not feeling as anxious as usual. Virgil’s job is really difficult. I can’t get a second to do anything right now.” I say, scribing down the lies that everyone was telling themselves right now for deceit. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2020 ⏰

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