"Do or die right?"

Luke frowned,

"I was hoping for a more inspirational sentiment but...that will work I guess."

He fired a few more questions at me which I fielded with ease. I had this. Judge Robicheau would not get the best of me today. I was ready.

"All rise."

I stared down at the papers in front of me, Harry's voice suddenly flooding into my brain while the humiliation hit me like a goddamn tidal wave. My head swirled with all the things he'd said to me last night while my heart dropped into my feet.

"MISS MURPHY!" I heard Judge Robicheau yell.

I came crashing out of my thoughts to see the entire court silently staring at me. Judge Robicheau looked hardly amused. He shook his head,

"Please begin with your line of questioning for this witness."

I glanced down at the paper and then back up at the judge. My heart pounded in my ears. The words on the page in front of me bled together turning them into complete gibberish.



Judge Robicheau granted a recess. He was none too happy about it and Luke was so pissed after my complete breakdown he wouldn't even speak to me.

Michael walked into my office, obviously staying quiet until he knew the mood I was in. He took a breath,

"Luke wants a meeting...first thing in the morning." He finally said after I stayed quiet.

I nodded as I packed up my bags,

"I'm sure."

Michael shook his head,

"Are you alright?"

I nodded,

"I probably just lost my job..." I sighed as Harry again popped into my head, "And a few other things...but...I have a dinner to go to."

Michael pulled his eyebrows together in confusion,


I pushed my hair behind my ears,

"Old friend. Kind of a mentor...he's in town." I explained.

"Go have some dinner...go home and take a hot bath...we'll figure it out tomorrow."

I flashed him a weak smile as I walked by. Even if I was about to lose my job there was really nothing I could do about it. And I was absolutely exhausted anyway. I contemplated asking Roland if we could reschedule but that would just send me home to an empty apartment and then another confrontation with Harry.


Roland greeted me the way he always did. With a large, blinding smile, a huge bear hug and a loud, booming version of my name. If my father were around, I hoped that's how he'd greet me. He put his hands on my shoulders as we stood next to our table,

"You look amazing, my dear. How have you been?"

I did my best to fake a smile,

"I'm good. It's good to see you."

He helped me off with my jacket and gestured to the chair across from his,

"Please sit...sit...I have so much to tell you."

We sat down, gave our drink order to the waiter and then set to talking.

He was beaming. It was hard to miss. He looked far happier than I had ever seen him in the past. It was nice to see.

More Of You - One for the Ages // Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now