''So cut me from the line~~, Dizzy, spinning, endlessly. Somebody make me feel alive and SHATTER ME~~!''

You hold the 'me' as a long note, as you laid down on the platform of feathers, sticking your hand out so people could yours. You floated around for a bit, but then they stopped by the stage.

you stepped off of the feathers, being careful not to trip. They floated away, you were assured that they would go back to Hawks. You dance for a bit as the last sentence came up.

''Somebody make me feel alive and SHATTER ME!!!''

You struck your end pose, as you panted heavily

The audience is going wild! Not only was the performance one of your best you ever did, but the fact that someone came up the stage.

You heard someone whistle quite hard, so you looked towards the side and saw Hawks coming up the stage.

'Is this idiot for real?' you thoughed.

''Welcome Hawks, Glad you could join us.'' You said with those fake smiles that nobody sees through.

He twitched an eyebrow in confusion. You walked towards him, so everybody could hear what he had to say.

''I'm glad to be here, chickadee.'' You cringed a bit at the nickname but ignored the feeling.

''So Hawks, what do I own the pleasure of you being here?'' You asked him through the microphone.

His eyes seemed to light up when you asked him,

''Well, how can I miss an opportunity to hear my favorite artist up close!'' He said towards you with a smirk.

'can you NOT look at me with that look?!?', you mentally screamed at him.

''It's an honor to have you as my fan, so feel free to sit there and enjoy the show-up close.'' You said with a fake smile, cause in your head you were screaming at him for his dumbass behavior.

You turned back to the audience, ''Okay, let's go, 3,2,1!''

-After the concert-  

After the show ended, you scowled off the stage, 'is he serious right now?!? Is he STUPID!?!' you complained mentally.

you then saw him come off stage, so you just walked up to him, not trying to hide your anger.

''Are you kidding me Hawks?!? Do you know how many rumors this will start!?'' you spat at him, he put his arms up in defense.

''wow, wow, calm down Chickadee. We can't be having people fighting here now, do we?'' He said with his famous smirk.

'God I hate that smirk' you thoughed.

You were still angry, but you forced yourself to calm down.

''You know, now that you are here, the media would spread nasty rumors about it, you know that right?'' you say in disbelieve of his stupidity.

''I know, but rumors will stay rumors, let them think what they want, only we know the truth,'' he said with a serious tone, that honestly didn't suit his personality.

There was a silence, an Awkward silence to say the least.

'the audience was more enthusiastic than normal cause of the first performance...' you thoughed.

You began to walk towards your private dressing room. You looked back at Hawks, you opened your mouth and spoke, ''Oh and Hawks...''

Now his attention was on your figure.

''Thanks... for the feathers... It really helped my performance.'' You gave him a smile of appreciation.

He looked a bit in shock of your sudden mood change, but none of the less he smiled at you. You could have sworn that there was some pink dust on his cheeks.

''No problem Melody.'' He said with his signature smile.

''Call me Y/n, Also...'' You began.

''You don't have to force your smile, I like a natural smile better,'' you stated while walking away, leaving a big bird dumbfounded.

You sighed while walking towards your dressing room, ready to head home and sleep for the day.

'What a day.'


A sudden sound of a phone got your attention.


Hey Siren, It's me Hawks, Let's patrol tomorrow at my hometown.


Alright, send me a place and time and I see you there

  You really wanted to sleep now, making yourself grumpier by the thought of that.

'Tomorrow is going to be full of 'fun', I can already feel it.'

*1213 words*

Hi Guys! It has been a while, but here is the chapter! (。・∀・)ノ゙

So how are you guys holding up? I also want to thank you guys for the 180 reads already!! Σ(っ °Д °;)っ

With that said, bye guys!! Have a great Day/Night!! (^///^)

My Pro Singer🎤🎶 (Hawks/ Keigo Takami x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now