Nixie Discovers Magic

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          Nixie started practically running through the Alley. As the daughter of two wealthy politicians, who were also part of nobility, she knew that she needed power in this landscape.

           She was the Zharim heiress, so what else could the world throw at her? She has mastered the violin, piano, guitar, organ, cello, and just about every single instrument made in the past thousand years, earned every single Ph.D anyone could ever get by the age of 6, is a chess grandmaster, has black belts in fighting styles from all over the world, has learned every language, and she is also a witch, apparently. 

            Her parents were both out at a party when she got her Hogwarts letter, and even if she were gone for 9 months, she'd still have the summer to continue making her cure to death, which should hopefully be helped by her learning, and also mastering, every single aspect of magic. She memorized what books she needed, and was able to ask for directions to where she needed to go. She first needed to make a stop at Gringotts to get Wizarding money, apparently. Nixie was very thankful that the knowledge that she is a witch was able to get her to the alley in the first place, and to convince strangers to give her the information she needed to not seem out of place, and therefore disrespectful to their culture. 

          After taking a quick glance at the threat to thieves the goblins had in the front of the bank, she glided down to the teller. 

           "Good morning, sir. I am a new found witch, and I am here to deposit money for my own account. And, if it were possible, do you have a heir test?" Nixie said in her most pleasant sounding voice. 

           The goblin sitting above her bared their teeth. "Rare to get any human respect. Come along, now, young witch, we'll have the test done and your account set up." 

          Nixie was very grateful to the goblin's kindness. "And your name, my good sir?"

          The goblin nearly seemed touched, and replied with " It is Aksal." 

         Nixie was lead to a dimly lit room, where an ornate dagger was placed on a desk. A chair appeared as she came near. 

        "Just a few drops of blood on this paper," Aksal summoned a blank paper, and put it in front of Nixie, "Then you'll be able to see if you have any inheritances or titles in this world." 

        Nixie pricked her pinky, letting the blood flow out into a few drops, then licked her wound clean as the cut healed quickly. 

        After a few seconds passed, information about her bloodline appeared in waves. 

Nixie Zharim, The Great, The Powerful, The Wise, The Intelligent, The Talented, The Loveable, The Cute, The Good, The Godly, Lady of Magic, Apprentice to Death 

Blood-Status: Irish-American-Japanese-British Pureblood (Squib ancestors, mixed blood until now heiress) 


Gryffindor        (Paternal)

70,234,493 Galleons, 92,384 Heirlooms 

Slytherin         (Paternal)

90,283,904 Galleons, 90,382 Heirlooms 

Hufflepuff        (Maternal) 

60,289,304 Galleons, 98,930 Heirlooms 

Ravenclaw       (Maternal)

55,940,248 Galleons, 104,932 Heirlooms

Le Fay                 (Magic Chosen)

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