Hailey Senpai and BABTQFTIM fanfic

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Hailey sat next to Bendy, her legs aching from walking for hours. "How long till we get there guys?" The tall girl would question the small demon. Known as Bendy.  He would wipe sweat from his forehead looking at the path ahead. "Not far. We should arrive at our destination soon."

Hailey heaved a sigh of relief. They had been traveling days now, in hopes to outrun the pestering Cuphead and Mugman, who set out to murder them. Hailey would adjust her small red scarf, as it was getting hot to the point she was dying to take it off.

Then a wolf sat next to her as he would put down his bag next to him. He would flop down in the soft green grass, letting out a huge breathe of air. "The sooner we get away from them the better." He would state, obviously tired as well from walking.

Where were they heading you may ask? They were out to find a piece of the ink machine, of course they needed proper supplies. So once they got to the town and stocked up. Their real quest would begin.

"Hey Bendy? Could you pass the water?" Hailey would ask through fanning herself. The unbearable heat of the sun was burning her skin, like a steak against a grill. "Sure, here ya go Hailey." He tosses her the water canteen. She caught it and began to twist the lid off, practically drooling for that refreshing cold beverage awaiting her.

She tilted the canteen back. Beginning to sip from it.  The water trickled down her throat, at the moment it felt like she had never tasted anything so good. Of course she knew she had to save some for her friends.

"Here ya go Boris. Drink up." She handed the young wolf the canteen. He smiled warmly at her, thankful for her kindhearted spirit. "Thanks Hailey!" Boris began to intake his share of water.  After being fully refreshed. He would pass it to Hailey, who passed it to Bendy.  The demon thanked her with a light grin. Before drinking some himself.

Hailey would use her arm to shield her eyes, as she would look up in the sky.  The blazing sun would cover all of the land. There wasn't a tree in sight they could use as refuge from the giant star's rays.

"I hope we get there soon. Or we could possibly melt out here." The human girl chuckled in a humorous way, although she was quite serious. "Ya hopefully-" Bendy was cut off. There was a giant blue blast that flew past all of them. Inches away from incinerating their faces. The small team turned to what shot at them, recognizing the two figures not to far from their resting point.

"It's the Cup Brothers!" Boris cried in horror, they were all quite surprised on how the two tall bros were able to track them. "Let's get out of here. Before we're turned to ashes!" Bendy would scramble to get up. Grabbing the canteen while beginning to make a break for it, his friends not far behind.

"Let's get them Mugs!" The taller one would state, before running after them. "Right behind ya Cups." Although Mugman wasn't much excited of having to harm potential friends, (especially since he thought Boris was pretty cool.) he would do as his brother said. He was smarter after all.

Boom. Another shot was fired, straight for the short demon. Bendy would turn back to see it flying at him. He would duck, but in the process trip. "Oof!" As he fell he hit the ground stomach first. Air was knocked out faster than a whoopi cushion being sat on.

"Bendy!" Hailey noticed her friend fall. She would skid to a hault, turning back to grab her friend up. She bent down and scooped him up from the dirt. She heard another shot and jumped out of the way from the blast. Keeping the small demon close to her chest as she fell on her side.

Even though Bendy despised being picked up or carried. He was too afraid to scold her for it at the moment. Hailey picked up her pace in running now with the extra weight. Boris was a little farther ahead after the detour Hailey took to rescue Bendy.

The trio members were all able to notice the town up ahead. 'If we can make it there. Those two won't be able to hurt us in public!' Hailey would think to herself. Hailey than noticed some train tracks. Also noticing a train approaching. She would get an idea and grabbed Boris's hand. "Cmon Boris! We're taking a detour!

Hailey would take a U-turn. Toward the train tracks. "Hailey are you nuts?! We won't make it before the train gets there!" Boris would say trying to get her to turn around. "Oh yes we will!" She would pick up her speed. Running as fast as he could. Boris would close his eyes not wanting to get creamed.

With the train coming fast. Plus the trio approaching the area it was rolling to. You would expect to see them turned into pancakes right? Well Hailey wouldn't allow it. Hailey grabbed Boris and Bendy tight. When they got to the tracks, the train was about to make it. She ran across as the train came by. But it missed them by a hair.

Cuphead would stop surprised as the train would pass in front of him and his brother. Now they were blocked from their targets by the giant train. "Fuck. They got away." He mumbled.

On the other side, Hailey Boris and Bendy were all looking at the giant train. Eyes wide. The boys didn't believe they would make it. They looked at each other and laughed lightly. It began to get louder as they all group hugged glad they survived.

"Tch. We can get them later. Cmon Mugs.  Let's go." Cuphead said swiftly turning around. They began to walk away. Mugman looked back at the train. He seemed glad it got in the way. So he didn't have to kill Boris. Mugman was determined to be friends with him somehow.

"Hehe-....I-..Good thinking Hailey. You saved us." Boris looked ahead. Seeing the train ran straight to a train station to the town. "Now we have a straight pass to the town! Look!" He points to where the station is. Bendy and Hailey look at it. They smile. "Well. Shall we be on our way?" The two others nodded. Bendy, now leading the way. Walks toward the station. They formed a snake like line. Boris in the middle. Hailey in the back.

"So Bends. Do you think we will ever see them again?" Hailey was referring to the Cup brothers. "Eh...Probably. But if we do. I'm sure we will get away." He would shrug as they continued.

"Well. Whatever comes our way. I'm glad I don't have to go through it alone. Since I have you two." Boris would state, smiling as they approached the station. With the sun setting behind them. Hailey would let out a small hum of approval. "Ya. As long as we are together."

Nothing can stand in our way of saving everybody.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2020 ⏰

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