"Work In Progress."

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  With all the evil in the world, Bai LuoYin felt as if doing something good balanced the scale, or at least tipped it in his favor. He would have liked it to be good all the time, but then being in the Air Force canceled that out. If there was all good in the world, the military would cease to exist and he would be doing something else in life.
  Every year the Air Force donated to charitable organizations. This year, he chose to donate to an orphanage. He handed over three checks. One was from his own personal account, the second was from Gu Hai and Yan Ya Jing, and the last was from the Air Force.
  A nice woman allowed him to meet some of the children. She led him around the huge building, stopping in some of the classes to wave and chat with them for a while.
  Bai LuoYin's heart called out to all the little children he saw and spoke to in a loving way. He marveled at their little drawings of rainbows and hearts and dreams of living with a family. They were decorated along almost all the walls in the classrooms.
  "One day, I'm going to be adopted by a loving family," said a little girl who sat in his lap. Her eyes were filled with so much hope as she spoke. "They'll be tall like giants and give me ice cream every day."
  Bai LuoYin smiled at her and nodded. "You'll have the best family in the world!" he said and gave her a high-five.
  "I want to live with a family who has a brother for me," said a boy that looked to be around four years old. His clothing looked worn out and his nose was running.
  Bai LuoYin reassured him and asked the woman in charge, "Are these children getting proper medical treatments?"
  She explained their situation and Bai LuoYin decided to extend an additional check to cover the cost of proper treatments. He also wrote an extra check on behalf of Gu Hai so that the children had better clothing to wear.
  "What about learning materials and books?" he asked and had to write another check.
  The woman was grateful. She bowed her head and thanked him. She explained that it was hard to take care of so many children and the donations that they recieved barely covered the essentials.
  Bai LuoYin thought of Ying Yue and Jiang Yifei. Soon, they would bring Gu Hai and his children into the world. It broke his heart to think about them not having these things. He wrote one last check on behalf of his children.
  "I would like to host a charity for the orphanage," Bai LuoYin said to the woman who was in charge of running the home. "Anything that we raise would go towards a brighter future for these children," he added.
  The woman had tears in her eyes. This man was extraordinary! He donated more than a million and still wanted to give more?!
  Bai LuoYin exchanged information with her and in the next few days had set up an event that had all the biggest businesses in Beijing attending.
  "This is quite the turn out," came a familiar voice.
  Bai LuoYin turned around in his black and white tux with a smile. "Liu Chong!" he said and shook hands with his friend.
  Liu Chong eyed Bai LuoYin up and down. "You look well," he complemented him.
  A waiter walked by and they grabbed drinks from a tray.
  "Is Gu Hai attending this event?" Liu Chong asked curiously. He looked around the room.
  "He has to," Bai LuoYin said, "he knows a lot of wealthy people and he invited them all here tonight."
  Liu Chong nodded and took a sip of his drink. A look of disappointment passed across his face, but was quickly recovered by a smile. "Well," he said holding up his glass to toast his friend, "here is to you. Tonight is going to be a success."
  Bai LuoYin clinked his glass with his and took a sip. He remembered that one night, long ago, in his tent when Liu Chong thought that he was injured. He hadn't missed the look in his eyes when he saw him without his shirt, bare-chested. He had thought that Bai LuoYin was hurt and was wrapping his wounds. He also had thought that Bai LuoYin was cold and had brought him an extra blanket.
  Liu Chong himself thought about that one year when Bai LuoYin had moved to his side of the bed and wrapped his arms around him, it had lead to a bad case of diarrhea for him.
  Bai LuoYin thought about how helpful and eager Liu Chong had been all those years back. Their missions were always eventful and strenuous and they both had been through so much together. The Air Force had kept them busy back then and even now.
  Liu Chong still felt the same as he did so long ago. He rememebered when Bai LuoYin first came into their squadron, the way he felt the first time he had looked at him. How that very glance envoked a feeling deep inside and how it made his heart beat wildly as if it would burst through his chest. He turned his attention to the room so that his emotion at that moment didn't bleed into his face.
  Bai LuoYin looked across the room. A commotion had broken out and people were applauding thunderously. Out stepped his husband and it brought a smile to his lips.
  "Gu Hai," Liu Chong said and looked embarrassed. He hadn't meant to say his name out loud. He quickly took another sip of his drink and looked the other way.
  Bai LuoYin ignored him and watched as his husband took control of every eye in the room. Being as the hall was almost half the size of a football field, there were a lot of eyes on him. The respect that these men had for Gu Hai said something about his power in the industry. His personality just made it so much sweeter. A no-nonsense man when it came to business, but under all the layers, stripped away to the core, Bai LuoYin knew about the man who could make you run naked in a rainstorm, love you down until you were screaming and begging for more. Just thinking about it made Bai LuoYin bite his bottom lip.
  Liu Chong knew that he couldn't compete against Gu Hai. He casually eyed Gu Hai and the men who got in line to shake his hand. He had to admit though, Gu Hai was a handsome man, deadly handsome even. He finished his drink and waved down the waiter for another.
  When Gu Hai finally made it over to Bai LuoYin, he eyed Liu Chong suspiciously. He knew when a man was interested in Bai LuoYin. He adjusted the buttons on his jacket and shook hands with him anyway.
  "How is everything Liu Chong?" Gu Hai asked, only half caring.
  "I'm well, everything is going well," Liu Chong said, trying to match the strength in Gu Hai's grip.
  Gu Hai let go of his hand and looked around the great hall. It was decorated to perfection and the guests were all dressed in their best with drinks in their hands. Though it was mostly men, a few of the women were also dressed beautifully. "Is there a beauty in the room that has caught your eye?" Gu Hai asked Liu Chong.
  "There are many in the room, but none have caught my eye," Liu Chong said. He wanted to look over at Bai LuoYin, but he knew of Gu Hai's temper. If he was bold enough and had looked over at Bai LuoYin, he knew that there would have only been two hits. Gu Hai hitting him and his head hitting the floor.
  Bai LuoYin changed the subject. "Gu Hai, I was wondering if you'd do the honors and give a speech to our guests. You come up with great things on a whim," he said.
  Gu Hai gave him a look as if he were studying his face. "Sure," he said, "anything for you, my love." He tossed Liu Chong a glance, adjusted his jacket and went off into the room again.
  After a few minutes, Gu Hai found the stage, grabbed the microphone, and gave the speech. He spoke with great clarity, was definite and relevant to the subject matter, interesting, considerate to the audience, made small jokes and bravely called Bai LuoYin to the stage, whom he introduced as his husband.
  Liu Chong's mind was blown. Gu Hai was really a man on a tier of his own. He reminded everyone in the room about his relationship with Bai LuoYin and didn't care if it affected the donations. Gu Hai truly was made of pure power. He was what most men strived to be. He had a few more drinks and went to mingle with the crowd.
  In the end, the room fulled of business minded people didn't care. They gave money to a good cause and didn't regret it, even though Gu Hai had been taboo, the orphanage recieved over four million in donations.
  Bai LuoYin was proud and happy. He stood in the back of the building, in a garden of green trees with bright lights. Gu Hai met up with him shortly after everyone had left for the evening. He wrapped his arms around Bai LuoYin's waist and pulled him close. He kissed the back of his neck and breathed in his scent.
  "Everything turned out great," Gu Hai said, resting his chin on Bai LuoYin's shoulder.
  Bai LuoYin nodded, calmly. Then, his heart raced, nervousness sinking into his body. He hadn't forgotten about Gu Hai seeking revenge. Looking out at the garden, he hoped that Gu Hai wouldn't try to seduce him somewhere under a tree, out in public. He knew that Gu Hai had no shame when it came to him. He would make love to Bai LuoYin in the middle of the street, while the world was ending, if he could.
  Gu Hai felt Bai LuoYin tense up and grinned. "Don't worry," he said, "my revenge will not be here under these lights."
  Bai LuoYin listened to him speak in a very low baritone, and closed his eyes. Just the way Gu Hai spoke made things lower rise.
  "My revenge will have you begging for my touch," Gu Hai whispered into his ear. The heat from his voice made Bai LuoYin shiver as if he were cold. But that feeling wasn't because he was cold, it was pure sex, temptation to give in to anything Gu Hai wanted.
  Bai LuoYin wanted to scream at Gu Hai. He wanted to tell him to do his worse and get it over with. Anything would be better than waiting for the unknown. "What are you going to do to me?" he asked, exhaling in a rush of air.
  "Do you really want me to tell you?" Gu Hai said and his voice sounded as if he were teasing him.
  "Yes," Bai LuoYin said. His breathing increased and his body felt hot. He wanted to peel the tux from his skin. Wonderful color filled his cheeks and gave him life.
  "Take off your shirt," Gu Hai said into his ear in a hungry whisper. He gritted his teeth and licked the outer area of his ear, which made Bai LuoYin gasp into the night air.
  No one was around, but in the distance, away from the balcony area and the garden, there was chatter in the distance. Still, as the silence from the night crept over them, Bai LuoYin wouldn't take the chance. He turned to face his husband and saw the coldness behind his eyes. The words he had spoken were to punish him. A dry promise of a good time.
  Gu Hai grinned, dropped his hand from around his waist, and walked away.
  Bai LuoYin was left standing there, wondering if the punishment was part of his revenge, or because he had been talking with Liu Chong.

"Are You Still Addicted?" Book One (Addicted Fanfiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن