chapter 17 the kiss

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(My hair was like that also nails)

Mya:put this on

Chaz:uhhhhh I thought I was never going to have to were that dress

Mya:girl it's cute and if you didn't like why did you buy it

Chaz:my mom brought it for me

Mya:well your mom have style

Chaz:fine I'll put it on

I went to the bathroom and when, I was done putting on my outfit I came out and sat onto my bed.

Mya:you look good

Chaz:Wow thx

I said sarcastically

Mya:girl let me do your hair


When, she was done doing my hair I got a text from Jabez

Jabez:you ready ma

Chaz:yea were we going

Jabez:I'm not telling you


Jabez:naw I'm not telling you

Chaz: pretty please


Chaz:fine but I'm on my way down


End if text messages

Mya:who was that

Chaz:Jabez I got to go

Mya:ight have fun but not to much fun

Chaz:girl shut up

Then, I walked out my room. Then, I went downstairs and went out the door and got into the car.

Jabez:you look beautiful

He said biting his lips looking me up and down

Chaz:No I do not I hate this dress

Jabez:I think you look amazing

Chaz:sure you do

I said givein him a gare smiling

Then, he cracked up the car and driveed off

Chaz:So can you tell me were we going now



Jabez:just sit there and look beautiful

Chaz:uh you always try to make me blush and that shit be working

I said smiling at him

He started smileing at me then, he look back in the front.

Then, I pick up my phone and started taking pictures of Jabez.

Jabez:why you taking pictures of me

Chaz:I'm bored

Jabez:I'm ugly

Chaz:well I think you look amazing

I said copying him

Jabez:aye don't still my line

Chaz:I just did

Jabez: ight

I rolled my eyes

Chaz:how long this ride gone be

Jabez:we almost there ma

Chaz:ok I guess

Falling in love with//JabezvillOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz