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Exo knew something was off. From the moment that they first saw Sunmi one morning, something wasn't quite right. Chen had texted about his wife having a very lengthy phone call with Sunmi, and the only thing he had picked up was, "You need to tell them" and "Talk to Sani later".

Finally, Baekhyun get fed up and waited for Sunmi to dash out of her room. Seeing the door open slightly, he used his body weight to hold the door completly open. Sunmi stumbled back slightly, surprised. Without warning, Baekhyun quickly picked her up, and she out of habit wrapped her legs around his waist.

Baekhyun set her down on the couch, grabbing the tissue box before sitting down himself, and pulling Sunmi into his chest. Sunmi's arms wrapped around his torso, and she placed her head in the crook of his neck. Baekhyun pulled her closer, wrapping an arm around her waist, while the other slowly brushed her hair. The two had been in this position many times, and it was almost like second nature.

"What's wrong Sun?" Baekhyun asked quietly.

"It's Hyunwoo." Sunmi managed to say, as tears rapidly started falling.

"Did something happen between you two?"

"We've ended. For good. He says there might be something there but I'm not gonna go through it again." Sunmi said.

Baekhyun felt his heart racing. He remembered when Starship made Sunmi and Shownu break up, and she was absolutely devastated. He and Minseok had to practically hold her down to get to her eat. She didn't leave the house for weeks, choosing to stay by Baekhyun's side for hours at a time, just watching him play video games. He was honestly unsure when they got back together, but Sunmi was happy.

"What caused it....... this time." Baekhyun asked after a long pause.

"I don't know. We stopped talking after awhile, and then one day he just asks to talk, and privately over phone. And then he broke up with me. I think he just grew tired of me. I mean, who wouldn't?" Sunmi said, letting out another choked sob.

"We love you Sunmi." I love you "We will never get tired of you."

"But that's what Kris said and look where we are now." Sunmi cried.

Baekhyun felt himself grip Sunmi's waist harder.


"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that." Sunmi quickly said.

"No. Tell me." Baekhyun murmured.

"I- I had..... something with Kris in our rookie years. I still don't know what is was, or how it happened. When Jakob and I split, Kris and I were interested in each other. I was to timid to make a move, and he started ignoring me. I started dating Ming Han to spite him, but then it escalated. He's the one that I lost my virginity too, and why I never told you guys about my first time. We never dated, but it was rough. We started following each other on insta to keep a facade, but our friendship is just to severed." Sunmi explained.

"Why did you never tell us?"

Why did you never tell me?

"I didn't want you guys to hate him."

"Do you?"


The two sat in silence, and soon Sunmi's tears stopped.

"Is there anything else?" Baekhyun asked.

"No. Thank you, I've been so drained that I needed this." Sunmi said finally looking up at Baekhyun.

"Do you wanna order chicken and watch me play video games like old times?" Baekhyun asked, pressing a soft kiss on Sunmi's temple.

"Yes. I can order while you set your game up?" Sunmi said, pressing a soft kiss on Baekhyun's jaw.

"That would be great."

sunmi | exo 10th memberOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz