The Tale of Posh Penguin

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The evening on which I set out into was dark and dusty. All around me I could see houses and other penguins, half hidden in the twilight haze. I was going out for dinner, to meet her royal highness, Princess Penguin. She had invited me to her palace on several occasions but tonight was different. Focusing my gaze, I spotted the heavy brass gates which opened up to the magnificent palace grounds.  I remember on my first visit here that I stood for a few moments at the entrance, just gazing, wide eyed at the spectacle of a thousands of roses and the emerald green lawns. Nothing much had changed, but this time I only stood there momentarily, taking in the beauty of the garden.

I was here by invitation to have dinner with the royal family to celebrate my achievement of Penguin of the Year Award. I obtained this award for my achievements in my business, which led to an excess of cash which I was happily going to use creating reserves and parks as well as supporting penguins who were not so well off as I. I had shown this commitment to the not so fortunate since I was twelve, and I had never wavered from my life goal; to rid the world of poverty.

As I entered the throne room my ears filled with the clapping of a hundred penguins. Eagerly I stepped forward and slowly made my way up to the throne on which the princess sat. She was smiling, a real smile that reached up to her eyes. As she stood up a knelt on the ground, head bowed in respect. Lightly she tapped me on each shoulder with a steel blade while saying, “I dub you, Sir Posh Penguin, for your services and commitment, loyalty and justice to the penguin community and the rest of the world.”

I would never forget that smile or that night

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