Chapter 2: High School

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It looked like one of those schools you saw in a TV series, the wide stretch of grass at the front. For Azalea, it looked very, very modern for a school; although anything would compared to being taught in a castle of course.
"Ok, the registration office is Room 034, it's just at the end of the hall." Elena said as we walked through the hall.
"Aren't you coming with me?" Azalea asked wondering if she had taken a friendly gesture too far.
"We would but..." Elena looked like she was trying to work out what to say.
"We need to calm Caroline before she jumps you," Bonnie said smiling at her. "She can get a little excited so we'll have to settle her before she scares you off,"
Azalea grinned. "It'll take a lot for me to scare," she said thinking back to her years at school.
"Oh, she's terrifying," Bonnie said gravely.
"Lea, welcome to our little group," Elena said smiling.
"Now run before Caroline kidnaps you," Bonnie said. "Third door past the girl's toilets," she said, Azalea nodded in thanks before fighting her way past the swarm of American Muggle teens. She tried to ignore the staring. Some things never change, she thought internally sighing.
She went to the third door past the toilet and there was a woman with papers on her desk.
"You must be Azalea," she said smiling. "Come on in and we'll sort out your papers, as you know we have assigned you with Elena Gilbert in order to adjust to our school, so the majority of your classes will be with her. Any questions?"
Azalea shook her head.
"Great, just sign this and you are official a student at Mystic Falls High School."
"Go Timberwolves," she muttered, Azalea turned to smile at the woman, she collided with a tall firm frame, this figure caught her as she fell, holding her up.
"Sorry," she said quickly trying to take her own weight again.
"It's alright," he said smiling. "I'm Stefan. Stefan Salvatore."
"Azalea Potter." She said shaking his hand. "Could you tell me where Chemistry is? I'm new I haven't quite worked my way around in my 5 minutes at the school.
"I am afraid I can't help you, I join today too," he said. "Though I didn't move from as far away as you."
"Well a newbie code of friendship is in order then," she said grinning. "First let's find someone who actually knows where places are,"
"Actually, I still need to register. But, it will see you around Azalea," he said before moving away.
"Call me Lea, it's easier than my tongue twister." She smiled.
"I think I can manage. I'll see you around," he said walking into the room. Azalea smiled before trying to find Elena.
He shook his head slightly, she was tiny her face was so elegant, remarkably beautiful, those large emerald orbs. She screamed damsel in distress you were just desperate to protect her. However that strong scent; her blood had such a mouth-watering aroma that it took all his strength not to suck the petite red head dry.
Maybe she would be at the lockers? Azalea made her way to the locker she had been given, ok the code is, turn right 48, then left to 15 then 24 flick it right and nothing? Azalea frowned trying again. On the third try she gave up. Glancing around all the lockers were decorated, she guessed people would expect her to do the same. She would work on that one. The bell went and everyone began to stampede towards their classroom. Alyssa clutched onto her bag and tried to get carried off. Then she felt someone grab her arm.
"There you are, we went to find you, but you had gone,"
"Elena," she gasped in relief. "I was trying to find you," Azalea said glad that she had bumped into the brunette.
"Come on, we got to get to Chemistry," she said getting out her phone and texting in her right hand while she dragged the smaller teen with her left.
"Who are you texting?"
"Bonnie, to say I found you," she said as she pulled her up the stairs, on the second floor she took a sharp right down a long corridor.
"This is the science block," Elena said to her as she dragged her into the classroom. "I sit in the middle row,"
"Ok, is it alright if I sit next to you?"
"Course," Elena said, taking her pencil case and note pad out of her bag, Azalea copied her as a middle-aged overweight man.
"Alright everyone one today we are going to go over lab safety," he said, a unanimous of groan followed. This was going to be a long hour, Azalea thought resting her head in her hand.
Next was History, Azalea sat in front of Bonnie, talking to the dark girl.
"So what's this teacher called?"
"Tanner, but he's a real jerk. Try not to get on his bad side."
"I'm sure I've had worse," Azalea said with a small frown on her face thinking of her professors over the years, Quirrell, Lockhart, Crouch, Umbridge, Trelawney and of course Snape... though these days she wasn't sure if she should count him in the list.
The teacher walked into the classroom.
"Hello again class so we'll go straight into it, civil war. Once our home state of Virginia joined confederacy in 1861..." as the teacher droned on she zoned out, she was strongly reminded of Binns. Thought Azalea had a feeling if she turned and spoke unlike Binns, this Tanner person would notice. She had a quick glace around to see Stefan was in this class and he was staring at Elena, she could see Bonnie texting, probably telling the brunette and sure enough her phone went off and she shifted her body language ever so slightly. After what felt like an eon the bell went and Bonnie took her hand, the three girls made their way to English, unaware that someone was watching and listening to their conversation.
"Well that was fascinating," the redhead said sarcastically, the other two looked amused. "Seriously what is it about history teachers that make the most interesting things seem boring?"
"Your school in England had one too?" Elena said.
"Yeah, he was worse than this guy, though he was really old and didn't really pay attention to us as he prattled on."
English was ok, they were told they had to read the first chapter of Shakespeare's King Lear by tomorrows lesson, in a house on her own, Azalea couldn't see that being a problem.
"Dunno how things went at your school, but it's lunch now," Bonnie said as they exited the class. "I know some places have four lessons before lunch,"
"Yeah, thanks mine did, well depending on your lesson lunch expanded over two hours." She said smiling at her, Bonnie – well both of them – seemed so nice. She loved their normality and teenage essence, a part of her wished she still had their free nature. Though Elena was different, something had happened to her recently. Azalea grabbed her lunch tray and looked around she saw most teens were in the large courtyard since it was sunny out.
"I'll go get a table... and calm Caroline a little more," Bonnie said, Elena laughed.
"Should I be scared of Caroline?"
"Just at first," Elena said grinning, she giggled slightly. "If I were you, I'd stay away from mystery meat,"
"That actually exists," she gasped. "I thought it was just cartoons,"
"Nope," Elena said as they got to the front of the cafeteria queue.
"Can I have the spaghetti and meatballs please," Azalea asked politely, the woman grabbed a plate and begin to extract pasta and meatballs from the large container. The redhead's eyes widened as she saw the size of her meal, there was no way he's eat it all.
"Elena you wanna share this I can't eat all that," she whispered, Elena smiled and nodded heading to the garlic bread and taking half of one of the baguettes. After getting their drinks they scanned for Bonnie.
"Oh there over there come on," Elena said nudging the redhead. Azalea saw Bonnie and a girl with pale skin, light blue eyes and medium length blonde hair, she was grinning, and it was infectious.
"Oh my God, she's so cute," squealed the blonde girl who Azalea guessed was Caroline as soon as they reached the table. "So tiny! She has an elfin stature, the boys are going to ravish her,"
Azalea hadn't heard past tiny.
"I am not tiny! I'm five foot three and three quarters, small yes. But not tiny!" she protested. All three girls cooed her. Azalea pouted.
The group of girls sat down around the circle.
"So where are you exactly from?" Caroline asked looking at the new girl.
"I'm from Surrey in London, but I spent most of my time in Scotland," she said smiling at them.
"Really?" Elena asked interested in the teen, "what did you do there?"
"To study at Hogwarts of course," she said in a cheery tone. The others took it as a joke and laughed.
"Caroline, you have to see the painting in her room. It looks just like what you would think Hogwarts would." Elena told the blonde teen, who looked at Azalea with interest.
"Cool we'll have to have dinner or a slumber party." Caroline said excitedly. Azalea cringed at the word.
"Sleepover," she muttered under her breath. Stefan's lips twitched as he heard her. He went to seat near the group of girls.
"So who actually are founders?" she asked the group changing topic. "Elena mentioned it yesterday,"
"Well," Elena began, "Mystic Falls was founded by several families, the Gilberts" she pointed to herself. "The Forbes" she gestured towards Caroline, "The Lockwoods, the Fells oh and last finally the Salvatores,"
"Like Stefan?"
"So you know the new guy," Caroline said.
"I meet him this morning at registration. Anyway. Founders, so their like, what, compared to everyone else?"
"They're really celebrated," Caroline said. Azalea nodded to show she was following.
"How long is this lunch?" she asked.
"An hour then you have –"
"Maths," Azalea said remembering from her table.
"Oh that is so cute," Caroline said.
"What is?"
"You said Maths,"
"It's Math,"
"Oh right, er, cultural difference." She beamed at them, they all laughed, then out of nowhere Caroline scoffed.
"What?" Elena said.
"Tyler Lockwood is heading this way," she said, the other girls groaned.
"Whose –"
"Biggest ass in school, he's coming over here to hit on you. You're new," Bonnie said in a sympathetic voice.
"Hey I'm Tyler Lockwood. I'm on the football team," said a tanned boy with black hair, Azalea thought he would be good looking if he didn't stink of arrogance and almost Malfoyishness.
"Azalea Potter," she said smiling sweetly, he leaned closer putting a hand on the table beside her.
"That is a beautiful name for a beautiful girl,"
"Er, thanks."
The girls sniggered behind their hands.
"Are you a natural redhead?" he asked in a flirtatious way.
"Yes, are you a natural moron?" she asked politely before taking a bite of her meatball.
"So does the carpet match the drapes? If you want, I could check." he asked her she looked at him faking a puzzled expression while Elena, Bonnie and Caroline seethed. They went to shout but Azalea's calm voice stopped them.
"Sorry, I'm confused," Azalea said frowning at him. He smirked.
"You and me, tonight," he said.
"Oh no, I understood that part," she said coolly. "What I am confused about is how you could possibly think that that would make me want to date you?"
The three girls burst out laughing, as Tyler blushed and scuttled away next to a blonde guy with baby blue eyes.
"That was brilliant, Lea," Elena said.
"You're my hero," Caroline said still choking back laugher.
"Thanks," she said grinning at her new group of friends, she was starting to feel like she had made a good decision in moving here.
The afternoon dragged, Maths was easy, compared to her Arithmancy calculations she used to have to do, it was a cake walk. Italian she could get by in the language, she never had plans to go to Italy, if she went on holiday she knew enough.
Finally the bell went and she, Bonnie and Elena were driving back.
"So how was your first day?" Elena said smiling.
"It was a lot better than I thought it would be," Azalea said smiling.
"That's good," Elena said.
"See how long that lasts," Bonnie muttered, all three of them laughed. "Anyway since you're new in town I was thinking do you want to hang out in the local hot spot?" Bonnie asked as they stopped outside Elena's.
Azalea bit her lip unsure.
"Oh come on it'll be fun," Elena pleaded "you get to sample the America cheese burger."
Azalea laughed quietly "Fine," she surrendered, "so are they as big as they are on the posters?"
Elena laughed and nodded. "Yeah, how about we go together, you can drop off your car. I got to go and check on my brother, knock on the door for six?"
Azalea nodded and walked to the house next door unlocking and making her way into the home. She made a beeline for the kettle in the kitchen. She smiled as she finished putting her sugar in taking a satisfying sip. Making her way to the sofa she kicked of her shoes and replaced them with her warm fluffy slippers.
She looked around the big empty house then closing her eyes she placed her feet on the coffee table. She went over the day in her mind, she was glad about how the day had gone, her new friendships were promising. She missed everyone terribly, Azalea was a social creature.
She sighed and rummaged through her bag, smiling at her lion face on the front as she closed it back up her history text book on her lap. Remembering that they were talking about the civil war and Mystic Falls, Willow Creek incident today she read up on that and discovered the fire in the church and frowned when she found that people were trapped in the church and had died.
The redhead sighed shutting her book again. Deciding to paint, she needed something that wouldn't reduce her to tears so people were out as was Hogwarts. She decided to draw Peeves, smiling as she thought of it she grabbed her sketch book and began to draw.
She had drawn the poltergeist right down to his little bow, he was in the Gryffindor common room, details in the back showed the fire. She smiled taking the chalk was about to begin to colour him in when there was a loud bang on the door.
"Lea! Lea! We're going to be late!" Elena said, she snapped out of her artistic trance and recalled her plans, swearing to herself she grabbed her coat, phone, purse and keys making her way to the door.
"Sorry Elena I was – hey Stefan." She said confused.
"I was returning Elena's journal and she invited me to this gathering," he said smiling.
"Cool, newbie code of friendship still stands then," she said grinning heading out with the two who were even in her tactless head were obviously going to get together...

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