Soojin didn't notice it though.

"hmm..maybe you're right." Soojin says as she nodded and went to type a text.

"thank God." Miyeon quietly whispered as she watches Soojin type a text.

Calming their hearts down, Soyeon and Miyeon both laid down again.

Not until Miyeon's phone started ringing, startling her.

"get your phone!" Soyeon half yelled as Miyeon did as told.

"Soo? what did you tell her?" Soyeon asks as she saw Soojin holding her phone up to her ear.

"I decided to just call her instead." Soojin casually answers, shrugging.

"EXCUSE ME! MINNIE'S CALLING ME!!!" Miyeon yelled in panic as she right away exited her room.

Soyeon's still shocked while Soojin just boredly looked at Miyeon.

"weird." Soojin said as she waits for the sender to answer the call.


"why is she calling her?!!" Miyeon panics.

what am I supposed to do??!!! she internally panics.

After a few rings, nobody answered the call and so Soojin sighed.

"I think messaging her is the right thing to do." she says as Soyeon nodded like a kid.

Miyeon received a text from Soojin after a whole 5 minutes of standing outside her room.


Hi? I just want to say sorry for not answering your text the last time. I also want to say sorry about asking to meet you to get to know was on impulse.

I actually love Shuhua and she just confessed that she loves me, I'm texting you to tell you that I'm sorry. I can't continue getting to know you. 😐

Miyeon read the text and she sigh, Soojin really sounds like she's hurting for this unknown sender.


hello! it's fine..I kind of heard Shuhua say that you're her "'jagiya" last time. 😊 I wish you and Shuhua happiness 😊

She decides to reply.


I'm really sorry. 😐


don't worry 😊 I promise it's okay.

When Soojin did not reply right away, she decided to eavesdrop on Soyeon and Soojin.

"what's wrong Soo?" she heard Soyeon ask.

"do you think Miyeon's really okay?" she heard Soojin asks.

"yes, she is." Soyeon answers.

Miyeon suddenly registered what Soojin asked.

And it seems like Soyeon did too.

"WAIT, WHAT?" Soyeon asks as Soojin starts laughing.

"Miyeon, get back in here now." she hears Soojin say in between her laughs.

She slowly opened her door and went back in.

"how did you know?" she asks.

"Shuhua found out from Tzuyu." Soojin says casually as she looks at Soyeon and Miyeon looking so guilty.

"are you mad at us?" Soyeon asks as Soojin shook her head.

"no." she says with a shrug.

"why?" Miyeon asks.

"you guys were actually the reason Shuhua confessed to me..she was really pushed on the edge because of Soyeon, she told me everything..and so, you all helped us stop being dense about each others feelings." Soojin said with a smile, face really showing a thankful one.

"are you sure?" Miyeon asks as Soojin laugh.

"of course.." Soojin said as she gestures for them to come near her.

Soyeon did it right away while Miyeon hesitated.

"what? I'm not going to kill you Miyeon." Soojin says with a chuckle as she pulled Miyeon to her side.

She then hugged the two.

"your plan worked." Soojin said as she patted their backs.

"thank you." she added as Soyeon and especially Miyeon relaxed in her embrace.

"Miyeon." Soojin calls her as she hummed.

"I'll kill you outside your house though." Soojin said as Miyeon moved away as quick as she can.

"yah!" Miyeon yells and Soojin laughs.

"just kidding, I'm really thankful gays." she says with a smile.

"anyways, I can't promise you Shuhua won't kill Yuqi and Minnie though.." Soojin added and both Soyeon and Miyeon panicked.

Angry Shuhua is not someone you'd want to mess with.

Soojin watched as the two tried to call their girlfriends, "but to make you feel better, Shushu's not mad..just annoyed. So maybe she'll let them live." she says and it's not even enough to make the two stop panicking.

Soojin stares at them with a smile.

Shuhua and I are lucky we all have you.


NOTE: this is the first part of the extra chapter 😊
I'm sorry it took me this long to update ..

I'll try to update what's next as soon as I can 😊

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