when worlds collide ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯

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it was another tedious morning for all students at (some fucking university). one student in particular, yemin (last fucking name), was running late to one of her morning lectures, and she knew if she gained another late mark that she would probably fail this class.

coffee in one hand and a thick textbook in her other, she could barely speed walk her way there without little drops of her caffeine spilling.

"fuck," she muttered, briefly glancing down at her apple watch and cursing at the time. it was two minutes until the class started, and yemin knew mr (whatever the fuck his name) would have her ass if she wasn't there on time for once. she couldn't even wake up on time, what in her goddamn mind was she thinking to take this eight am class.

as if god hadn't already messed with her this morning, her phone suddenly rang from her back pocket. yemin had it on vibration, and it felt so uncomfortable that she had to drop the textbook and reach for it before it rang for too long.

she answered it, already annoyed, not looking at the caller id.


"where the fuck are you, mr (wtvr tf) is gonna mark you down late if you aren't here in the next thirty seconds you slow fuck. hurry up, i can't stall for long." before yemin had the chance to respond, the caller (with a voice too well known) had already hung up the phone.

"yeah i'm not answering lisa's calls anymore at this time of morning," she grabbed her textbook once again and bolted.

another notification had chimed, once again vibrating in the back pocket of her jeans. it was a social media app definitely, she knew that 'cause of the ringtone. it was probably that blogger she followed, one yemin loved but couldn't be bothered with right now.

the class door was just in her sight, and she would finally make it (almost) on time for once. but as if god couldn't make things much worse, instead of a big wooden door with a silver knob ready to turn- she had crashed right into a chest hard as rock.

her book had fallen and so had her caffeine - as well as the others phone which was faced screen down. at this point yemin was angered, not wanting or willing to take anyone's shit right now.

"oh fuck! can you watch where you're going next time? i'm late for my damn class, move it imbecile-"

"you're the girl who sits third row next to the brown girl, right?"

yemin lifted her face from the ground, settling it on a pair of bright colored eyes compared to her dull ones. his was almost full of life, and she didn't think that was possible for someone at eight am in the morning. he was kind of cute.

"yeah? and what's it to you, creep." she tore away her eyes from his, picking her book up off the ground and standing up to where she lined chest to eye. he was quite intimidating, but not enough to make her cripple in 'fear'.

"nothing, you just looked familiar. "

"well you dont look familiar at all. but you know what you do look like? a brown haired tower making me late for my class," she picked on the color of his hair, a chocolate brown with unnoticeable streaks of red in it, "oh wait, i'm already late. now thanks to you, i'm gonna get a late mark and possibly extra fucking work you bastard."

the guy chuckled, and his arms which were once stuck to his sides now folded up across his chest. his muscles flexed like he wasn't even trying, the purple and blue veins popping up in certain areas of the arm. yemin failed to look away, wondering how someone's arm could be that attractive.

"so you gonna go into class, or are you just gonna stand there and gawk at my arms? hm?"

a tomato like blush appeared faintly on yemin's cheeks, and she cursed herself for being vulnerable in front of this weird guy. she looked down at her vans, scuffed with marks and dirt from the constant speed walking she did a few minutes ago.

without looking up, she pushed passed the guy's attractive arms and opened up the door to her class, about a hundred and twenty eyes staring back at her. the teacher gave a knowing look, one that screamed 'why-are-you-late-again-i'm-disappointed-go-to-your-seat-shaking-my-head' type of look.

just as yemin was about to do the walk of shame to her seat, a voice called out to the teacher, making her stop in her tracks.

"it was my fault mr (whatever the fuck his name is), as you know it's only my second day here and i was a bit lost and she guided me along with her. sorry i made her late, don't give her extra work or anything."

yemin was confused. she was so awful to this guy- awful in her terms at least, and here he was taking the blame. which yes, he was to blame, but he shouldn't have to lie about it. she turned around and looked at him, only for him to smirk at her and proceed to take his seat.

"it's alright fred, just make sure it doesn't happen again. alright, i'm going to be writing stuff on the whiteboard today so prepare your laptops,"

it was weird. the guy who made her late took the blame, which she wasn't expecting at all because most guys are douches. yemin was prepared to take the fall as usual...but that didn't happen.

fred was a pretty interesting guy, that's for sure.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2020 ⏰

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