Chapter 1: Just another Brawl

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3rd pov:


A man breaks through the window of a bar and flies into the alley it sits on. Inside there appears to be multiple guys ganging up on one man in particular.



(Y/N) pov:

I was having the time of my life! I got to drink basically all day, then Kuno Mikio and his two stooges showed up giving me the other thing I'm always craving other than alcohol, 

a fight.

Mikio tried rushing me head on, i guess he didn't learn from last time. I side step him and just stick my foot out making him fall on his face. "Wow Mikio-tan, thought you were smarter than to just rush me like that. Guess not."


I  get knocked  to the floor as his second stooge, Yano Jiro, slams into me from behind. "UHHGGG!" I gasp out as I land on the bars hard wood floor.

"Haha... and here I thought you were trying to teach me something," Mikio spits out as he stands up.

Coughs "Well, I taught you how to fight dirty apparently..."

His smirk is wiped from his face as he snarls at me, "Looks like you're the one that need a lesson!" I prepare myself for the kick I know is coming. 


"AHHHGHHH!" I grimace in pain as the twat that needed two guys to bring me down kicks my stomach.

"Did ya like that, you piece of shit?"

Pa-tuh! I treasure the look of pure hatred on his face as I spit up blood onto his shoes. "YOU SON OF A BITCH!" I wince in pain as he kicks me again. "DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THESE COST!?!?"

I just look up at him and smile, "More than it takes to get a night with your mom." Ahh, that's the face I love making him have,  complete and utter disgust and hatred.

"I'LL KILL YOU YOU LITTLE SHIT!" I simply relax as he picks me up by my collar. I see him pull his arm back to try and knock my lights out. Keyword there is try. 

Before he can even finish readying his arm i give him i swift knee below the belt. He releases my shirt as his eyes bulge while he doubles over in pain. "BOSS!" I see Tweedle dumb over there feels like helping his boss. Jiro gets into a basic fighting stance as i just walk over to the bar and finish the hard whisky i had ordered. "What the Hell are you doing?!?" I just sigh and look back at Jiro who looks like he's gonna piss himself.

"I'm finishing the drink I paid for. What does it look like?"

"AAAAHHHHHH!" I hear him charge at me but right before he gets to me I just sway out of the way, letting him run right into the bar. As he gets up I can feel myself swaying back and forth having the alcohol run through my veins. When he looks over at me I see his eyes widen, he's seen this many time before when i kicked him and his buddy's asses.

"What are you-hic-waiting for?" He hesitates for a second but then, being the coward he is, he runs out the door and off into the night. I just watch him leave and sigh, "I was hoping for more fun..." I look over and notice the prick Mikio trying to crawl his way to the door from where I had crushed his chances of having kids, not that he could get a girl anyway.

I walk over and squat beside him. "Looks like your 'fear-hic-some gang' isn't so fearsome Mikio."

"P-please," he whimpers.  "I never meant any harm (Y/N)."

Sigh "I'm gonna regret this but...." I see the hopeful look in his eye and relish it inside. I stand up and turn away as he sighs in relief. But before he can keep trying to get away from me I turn around and give him a swift kick to the head knocking him out.

I go back to my seat as the bartender finally comes out of the back. "you finally done (Y/N)?" 

"Yeah. Sorry about wrecking the place again..." Before I can say anything else the mustached man puts he hand up telling me to be quiet.

"(Y/N)... you're a good friend of mine, a good customer, besides the constant fights, but even with the fights you pay for the damages."

I chuckle at this not surprised that doesn't care about the fight much. He's never really cared about me wrecking his place now and then. "thank you, Nao, thank you."

All Nao does is smile at me and pat my shoulder. "Anytime. Now help me clean this up before you go."

"Dang it man... I thought you were cool."



"ugh... I drank to much last night..."

"What was that (y/n)?" my mother asks while eyeing me up and down from my door.

"N-NOTHING!" I yell surprised at her appearance at my door but she just sights

"(Y/n).... please...." she looks at me with teary eyes. "Please focus on're a smart boy (Y/n), you just never use that brain for good."

I look down too ashamed to meet her eyes. "I will mom, I will."

I hear her footsteps come closer as she envelops me in a hug. "Thanks you sweety."


I haven't even stepped onto school grounds yet and I hate it. Everyone here is either a perv, a 'knight in shinning armor' or a thirsty girl going after boys. There is one exception though, the Occult Research Club. Most of the people are the most normal in the school.

As I walk onto the school grounds I can already hear the whispering from the other students, "Is that (Y/N) Tsuneo?" "I thought he was expelled." "He's kinda cute~" I just sigh in annoyance and walk into the building I purposeful avoid. I keep ignoring people like always until I feel a small tug on my sleeve.

Drunken Brawler Male Reader x Highschool DxDWhere stories live. Discover now