Epilogue- Abagails POV

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hi guys what a journey this has been, thanks to everyone that has read this and has voted or commented and to all my fans u r the best. Just so u know this epilogue is set four years alter, still in the forest where they have built a tribe and civilisation. They have survived.

thanks again and enjoy Zozo101

__________________________Abagail POV___________________

I sit on the woven cushion, in my wooden hut in the trees. The light shines in from the wooden slits across the window, warming my back. I let it warm my bare shoulders, giving me comfort. I munch on an apple, we have recently found an abanded orchard just over the other side of the river to the west, only a third of a days walk. I hold my paintbrush steady and I hold Curly's arm still as she rambles on about her newly found interest in Tweeks. I swirl on the black paint, painting our tribes symbol, a tree that's branches entwine with the outer ring which has a tribal pattern around the outside. I paint hers in the same spot as mine just above the wrist on the inner arm, others choose to put it somewhere else. The paint only lasts a week, as it is made from berries and other materials the gathers pick up, so every week Curly and I have some.... girl time as she like to call it.

" Did you know Tweeks is a good painter?, he paints Patches Tattoo all the time, and even Chris's. Jeez those three are close, like brothers" She sighs. I take in my friend, her curly hair, hanging loose over her shoulder, after a year of looking after it we were able to make it grow longer. Not only has her hair grown but so has she. Curly and Patch are both around Thriteen or fourteen now, as we aren't able to keep track of the years out here in the forest. She has grown taller and developed into  young women. And she acts like it, I swear, she goes on and on with her attitude, especially towards Chace, but he in't here right now. He hasn't been here for the past four months, so all of the attitude is towards me.

Chace left four months ago, to cross over the mountains with a bunch of the boys and others we have collected over the years. Jacob stayed here, as head of the tribe. His house is just across from  mine, but built higher than any of the others. He lives there with Beth, after I started getting better and was back with Chace they both hooked up and have been inseparable since then. Chris, of course insists on being second in charge, we all let him, knowing he is quite smart.

They left for the mountains four months ago, looking for other tribes that may cause us trouble in the future, to make a pact, to protect and unite together, don't ask it was all Chris's idea. We still don't know when they will return. But at leats I have a piece of Chace if he never returns. I am five months pregnant. But Chace never new.

" I really like Tweeks Abs he is my best friend what can I Do?" Curly explains, as I finish the last swirl. I put my paintbrush down and climb onto the wooden chair, grasping my belly as the baby objects, I wince.

"well it depends, if you go after him, he may not like you in that way and you could ruin your friendship, but he could like you and totally agree with it." I explain, motioning her to sit beside me. I run my fingers through her hair and start to braid it back like I got her to do on mine.

"I think he likes me, I mean, he always insists on sitting next to me at the fire and dinner, and likes to be with me, he always helps me and gives me hugs" she smiles shyly.

"Well, do what you want" I answer. Weaving her strands of thick curly brown hair together.

"Yeah I will" she laughs" so how have you been, feeling okay?"

I try to stay clear of this topic, I hate portraying myself weaker than the others just because of my stomach.

"Why would I not be okay" I laugh.

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