"Now Anna, I know you do. Don't lie to me." I bite my bottom lip and look away, to the ground. "So I ask again, where's my niece Anna? Or better yet, why'd you take her?"

"It doesn't matter." Another hard hit across the face. I close my eyes feeling it burn more this time than the last. I shake my head and turn back around facing the man. "I'm not telling you anything. Do whatever you want to me Owen." And before I knew it he lifted his hand in to the air and I felt a hard punch right to my stomach. I bend over, feeling the air knocked out of my lungs, but he doesn't stop there. Instead I feel a hard punch on the left side of my cheek sending me off of the bed and to the ground. I lay there a moment, trying to gasp for air.

"Want to rethink your answer sweetheart?" Owen asks. I shake my head from side to side, going to get up on my legs when a hard blow from his foot hits my stomach and flips me back onto the ground, landing on my side. I clench my stomach, closing my eyes. Within a few minutes I feel him grab my hair and begin to punch my face repeatedly until I hear the key card to the motel room. He freezes and picks me up. He reaches to the bed, quickly placing the gun to my head. Just in time as both Brittany and Y/N walked through the door. The door shut and both eyes had landed on me.

I looked to Y/N first, seeing her eyes widen. She looked from me to the gun back to me. I bit my lip, opening and closing my eyes before finally looking to Brittany who had tears forming in her eyes. I looked away just as Owen began to speak. "There she is. My niece and Brittany. Now...here's what's going to happen. Brittany come over here and sit down on the bed." Owen begins to move us away from the bed a bit, but Brittany stays frozen. That is until Owen tightens his grip on me causing me to wince. Within moments Brittany drops her bag and walks over to the bed. She sits down, slowly placing her hands on her lap.

"Y/N, miss me?" Owen asked. I turned to look at the young girl who shook her head from side to side, tears slowly sliding down her cheeks.

"What the hell are you doing? Let her go," Y/N slowly spoke, continuing to shake her head. Owen drove the gun into my head a bit further. I winced and closed my eyes tightly. "Please just let her go, I'll go with you."

"Awe, how sweet is that? Young girl trying to save-" Before he could finish his sentence I felt myself thrown and hit the floor. I turn a bit to see Brittany attack the man with a heavy book. And while she continues I feel shaky hands on my shoulder. I turn my head to meet Y/N's eyes, giving her a small smile.

"Are you okay?" She whispered, looking at my face over and over. I nodded my head slowly, bringing up my hand, pointing to Brittany's bag.

"Phone..." The girl nods and quickly crawls to the phone when a yelp escapes loudly throughout the room. My head spins around to see Brittany laying on the ground, with her eyes closed. My eyes widened, seeing Owen standing up with the gun in his hand.

"Wasn't that fun?" He said, looking around the room. "Now, there's going to be a consequence for that. So how about Anna, stand the fuck up and get over here by Brittany." I stayed where I was but not for long when he came over, grabbing me by my hair and dragging me over to Brittany. He drops me and turns to look at Y/N. Before anything he walks over to her and picks her up bringing her over to where Brittany and I were. Owen lets go of her, letting her stand. He goes to a bag on the bed and pulls out a roll of duct tape. I shake my head from side to side but am too late when he hands Y/N the roll.

"Tie them up-" There's a slight pause as he stared at Y/N, waiting for her to do as he said. But when she doesn't move, he stiffens, shaking his head and raises his voice, yelling, "Now!" Within moments the girl is bending down and gently taping my hands together. And then my ankles. Then finally doing the same to Brittany. "Place one over their mouths dear." I watch as Y/N places a piece over Brittany's mouth and then she looks over to me. She tears a piece off and brings her eyes up to meet mine.

"It's okay," I whisper, seeing her eyes full of tears. "It's okay, just do it. It's going to be okay."

"Now Y/N!" Owen shouted. Y/N jumped forward and shakily reached up, placing the piece of tape over my lips. She then stood up as I nodded once at her. I closed my eyes a moment and then reopened looking back at the scene before me. Without a single warning Owen immediately takes his fist and punches the girl right in the face. She stumbles a bit before standing up right again. Another hard blow to the face. I try to scream through my gag, but only muffles came out. Owen glanced over to me and gave me a smirk before looking to Y/N and attacking her left from right. From there I struggled with my bounds, trying everything I could to get the tape off of me.

"God, I missed this!" Owen, shouted a bit. I picked my head up to see the young girl laying on the floor. She was curled into a ball and I shook my head, closing my eyes. I didn't want to see anymore. I really didn't but when I felt a slap to the head, I knew Owen wanted nothing more than for me to watch. My eyes burst open with another hard slap to the head. There I'm met with Owen's brown eyes and his a stupid grin across his lips. He stands back up and walks over to Y/N. I shake my head watching him and screaming as loud as I possibly could.


After a while Owen stops. I open my eyes seeing Y/N laying there, unable to look at her I look away when Owen comes over to me. He reaches out grabbing a hold of me, pulling me closer to him. He then reaches behind his back and pulls out a knife. I tense and shake my head as he places the knife to my neck before slowly sliding it down my body, all the way down to my ankles where he cuts the tape.

He stands up, pulling me with him. A grin still placed upon his lips as he pushed me towards the girl. He gets me down on my knees and tears the tape off of my mouth. I close my eyes a moment, letting the stinging fade, before reopening my eyes. From there I 'm met with a bloody and bruised girl. I bite my lip, tears building up all over again.

"You caused this Anna," Owen whispered into my ear. I shook my head from side to side.

"You did this, you sick son of a bitch-" Before I could speak anymore the man grabbed a fist full of my hair and pulled me back. Our eyes met and he tilted his head at me.

"Not something to say to someone with a gun." I rolled my eyes as he pushed me forwards. My blue eyes look back to Y/N, who lay barely awake. And within no time I feel my hands grabbed and a knife placed in them. I turn to look to Owen who stands up, watching me. His gun in his hand.

"What the hell?" A laugh escapes his lips as I shake my head from side to side.

"You're going to stab her Anna. So do it." My eyes widened and I instantly threw the knife down on the ground. I turn back around and look to Owen, who stood tall and shook his head disappointingly.

"Anna, you pick that knife up and stab that child or I promise you I will make her suffer way worse than she already has. And maybe even toss in your lover, Brittany." I looked towards Brittany at his statement. She was just now starting to wake up. I shook my head and looked down to the ground, when I felt a gun placed to my head. I close my eyes, biting my lip once more, feeling the tears come out fast. "Do it. Now!"

"Knockity knockity!" A voice spoke, breaking me from my story. I glanced over my shoulder, there Wolf stands with a tray of food in his hands. "Sorry to interrupt, but it's time for Y/N to eat." I nod and turn around to look at Y/N, who held tears in her eyes but also a blank expression. I squeeze her hands gently before standing up. But just as I do, I feel her hand grab a hold of my wrist, pulling me back. Her lips reach my ear.

"...Did you do it?" She asks, her voice barely audible. I close my eyes for a moment.

"Yeah...I did-" I pause for a moment, silence filling between us. "We'll talk more about this tomorrow." I stand back up, holding back the tears from bursting out. I give Wolf a slight smile before finally exiting the room and making my way to the exit .I sign out and head out to my car. When I do reach my car and get inside, I slam the door shut and lean my head back. From there the tears burst out as I slam my steering wheel and toss random garbage around, before finally starting the car and driving out of the parking lot, wiping at my tears... 

Never Be Alone {A.K x Reader x B.S. Fanfic}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن