Chapter 2

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Mitch: "Lynn! Where are you? Where is she?"

Lindel: "She's safe."

Noah: "Emma too?"

Lindel: "Safe."

Mitch: "They're safe. Let's go to them."

Noah: "Right."

Lindel: "Take it easy. They won't get to them. Deep within the mist there's a house that belongs to my master Rahab."

Mitch: "Rahab???"

Lindel: "She is a Mage like myself. I am Lindel. I see your head is on where it belongs. You must be Arthur am I correct?"

Mitch: "That's right. Some people call me Mitch though."

Lindel: "So this is the Son of the Devil. You look like him but don't act like him."

Mitch: "That's good I hope."

Lindel: "Oh very. And this must be your Familiar."

Bren: (nods)

Lindel: "What a magnificent bird. The Vermilion Bird of the South no doubt. Exceptionally beautiful for a phoenix."

Bren: (blushing) "Mitch I like him."

Mitch: "So we can't go to them?"

Lindel: "Not today." (almost falls over)

Mitch: "Woah!" (catches him)

Bren: "Are you okay?"

Lindel: "I may not look it but I'm much MUCH older. I'm not as young as I once was."

Noah: "So we just wait."

Lindel: "Yes. I need to get my strength back. You."

Noah: "Me?"

Lindel: "You have the Sight."

Noah: "The what now????"

Lindel: "You can see Fae creatures."

Noah: "I think I saw a couple, but I thought I was just imagining it."

Just then, a few Fae appeared in front of Lindel. Noah started to freak out a bit. Then he saw that Mitch could see him too. So could Bren.

Mitch: "You see them, right?"

Noah: "Yeah you can? So, I'm not crazy?"

Lindel: "Apparently not. You too need not worry about the girls and the others. I'm sure my master Rahab is watching over them."

Evelynn: "Ow! Okay! OW!! God...."

Emma: "Just be still. Stop squirming."

Evelynn: "It hurts!"

Emma: "If you want it to be over with, I can just heal you."

Evelynn: "No then the pain will be on you."

Emma: "Since when are you the big sister?!"

Evelynn: "I'm looking out for you....OW!!!!!! You did that on purpose!!!!"

Emma: "I did not."

Shiro: "You're okay right?"

Evelynn: (looks the other way) "Hmph.."

Shiro: "Yeah she's still mad."

Emma: "I'm sorta mad to Mashiro. You should've told us..."

Rahab: "How about some warm drinks?"

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