He'll be mine

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                                 Gray's pov
"WHAT THE HELL MAN!!!" The guy yelled after I punched in the face. How dare he touch my Natsu!!! "Leave!" They all ran off. I looked down at Natsu and picked him bridal style. "T-thanks." He's so goddamn adorable. "No need to thank me, Natsu." I took him to the nurses office. Some other students were around the hallways since it's still lunch time.

After lunch
(Still Gray's pov)
I was sitting next to Natsu waiting for him to wake up. I didn't know Natsu was an omega. When I started school and bumped into Natsu he was so beautiful. He looked like an omega but male omegas are so rare that I didn't think he was one! I looked at Natsu's sleeping face, he looked so peaceful. He's so adorable and soon he'll be mine.

Yo! This chapter was rushed, Sorry about that! Anyway hope you enjoyed this chapter! P.S  sorry that this chapter is so short as well

S  sorry that this chapter is so short as well

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