Will you go out with me... Chapter 2

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* Sans *

I wake up and get up from the bed then go out of my room and go downstairs on the couch was Papyrus I sit on the couch besides him and watched T.V with him after a little time I ask him: " Hey Pap, where's dad. " He look at me and answer: " He is on the kitchen, making breakfast. " I nodded and we just continue to watch T.V then after some minutes, dad come from the kitchen with pancakes and chocolate and set them on the table, and we eat them. After breakfast I see what time is it. It was 9:36 a.m so I get my phone and tell to dad and Papy that I will go out.

~ Twenty minutes later ~

I take my phone and called Y/n she pick up and we start to talk.

Me: ^ Hi sweetheart how are you. ^

Y/n: ^ Hi Sans I'm fine how about you. ^

Me: ^ The same do you wonna meet in the park I want to talk with you. ^

Y/n: ^ Of course, but I have to tell my parents first I will tell you after ten minutes. ^

Me: ^ Get it bye. ^

Y/n: ^ Bye. ^

After the talk I waited Y/n to call me.

* Y/n *

I eat breakfast and go to my room. Then Sans call me and tell me if I wanted to see him. I said of course, so I go downstairs and ask mom and dad. They said yes so I go out and called Sans that I'm coming. after some time I see him sitting on the bench alone watching from a distance how childrens playing I smiled and said when I get close to him: " Hi Sans. " He look up and see me then hug me and I too, and he said: " Thanks for coming Y/n. " After 5 seconds he let go and I sit on the bench beside him. Well we talked for awhile and all of a sudden Sans ask me: " Y/n I wanted to ask you... " I said: " Yes Sans. " He say: " I know is too early, but do you wanna go on a date with me. " I smiled and answer: " Yes Sans I will be happy to go on a date with you. " Sans smile and said: " R-Really. " He ask don't believing what he heard. So I say: " Yes Sans. " He hug me and I did to. He tell me that the date will be at his house at 8:00 p.m

We continue to talk for hour then I look on my phone and it was 2:36 p.m I and Sans take something to eat and after that I told Sans I have to go home he nodded and then I get home. When I open the door there was my brother and grandma, because mom and dad was at work so it was only the three of us. I tell my friend that Sans asked me on a date, they told me to be my self and to do what I feel. I was happy of what they tell me and thanks them. I play a game with my brother to not be so boring. After the game we go outside to the park and when we get back I go to my room and took the phone to see what time is it and it was 7:25 p.m I was ready and just go to my brother's room to talk with him.

* Papyrus *

I go to Mettaton and was going to ask her something I hope she said yes.

[ No one expected this right hehee ]

* Sans *

I was happy, that Y/n say yes. I was ready and go to theirs house to pick her up, when I get there I knocked on the door and waited a little and then it was Y/n who open the door, god she was gorgeous with her's blue short jeans and t-shirt that read: ' I love you to the bone '  I smiled at this and give my hand to her. She took it with smile and then we go to my house.

We get there but before I open the door I hear Papyrus voice: " Mettaton I'm happy you agree to go on a date with me. " She said: " Of course Papy dear. " I was shock and said: " Pap, Mettaton, what  do you meen by date here, oh my god don't tell me we heeheee oh god... " Everyone start to laugh with me then Y/n say still laughing: " Heeheee Ohh my god in the same day and place lol. " Papyrus said smiling: " Yes hehee... " Then I say: " Well me and Y/n can be in my room and you and Mettaton in your room or downstairs. Is it ok with you sweetheart "  She smiled and say: " Of course Sans...  Hi Mettaton it's nice to meet you. " Mettaton said: " The same goes for you Y/n, Papy told me about you. " Y/n smile and say: " Sans told me about you too. " So after a little talk we get in. Me and Y/n get to my room and my brother, and Mettaton stay downstairs. When we get in my room we lay in the bed together and then I say: " Sweetheart do you wanna watch funny videos and to eat something while we do it " She say: " Yes Sans, of course it will be fun " I nodded and go downstairs and take chip's. When I come back, Y/n already choice a funny video so I open the chip's and we start to watch and eat.

~ 1 hour later ~

I was dyeing of laughing, but sweetheart laugh only 2 times of 5, so i lose, we started to play the game, while we watch funny videos and we say who lose, will do one thing that the winner want. Well sweetheart win and she say: " You will go outside and will scream: " I love Y/n "  heeheee...  While running " I started laughing and said: " Nooo...  haahaaa  please sweetheart. " she shake her head and showed the door I sigh and did it. I was so embarrassed, but Y/n couldn't stop laughing even I started heeheee...  If she is happy I'm too.

* Y/n *

God it was so funny, it was hard for me to stop laughing even Sans started to laugh even Paps and Mettaton see what happened and they laughed too. After some time of laughing so much we stop. Mettaton go to Pap's room with him and I had to get home so Sans teleported me home. When we were there I say to Sans  " goodnight "  he too and I get in. I fall asleep 10 minutes later or something.

World's: 1124

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