"I'll just have to make sure you never forget then. Patrick hold her."

Patrick grabbed your hip and henry pulled out a small red pocket knife, and proceeded to pull the side of your shirt  up just enough to reveal a patch of skin just next to your hip. You knew he was terrible but you didn't think he would actually cut you. You started to struggle and for about 3 milliseconds  you were able to scream before victor covered your mouth with his free hand. Henry grazed your skin with the knife before slicing about one-inch down your skin causing the tears that had been pooling in your eyes to fall down over your cheeks and ond on to victor's hands.

"Henry wait, what the fuck don't actually cut her" He retaliated

"Shut it! before I cut you open too!

The rest of the boys complied to his wishes as they watched Henry finish carving the H into the side of your hip signifying that he quote on quote "owned you", he flicked the blade back in to his pocket before hearing cars pass by and bolting for it, leaving you sitting in the alley way by yourself


You pulled yourself out of your thoughts before you had to relive any more of it, you had only told Richie. He had seen the healing wound by accident and when asking you where you got it from, you burst into tears in his arms. He wasn't good at comforting, but he did his best and you were unbelievably grateful for him in those moments. After around half an hour you gained enough composure to form a sentance.

"Thank you Richie"

Getting up to grab your bike you ushered  for him to get his, intending to keep riding to go to the arcade where the rest of the losers were waiting. But Richie was shocked at this motion.

"You aren't going to tell me what happened?"

"Richie it's not that big of a deal.."

He stayed seated on the street curb, trying not to push it. But slightly annoyed that even after comforting you for thirty minutes you's till wouldn't open up to him.

"Well judging on how you just cried in my arms for half an hour, yeah i'd say it is a big deal"

Turning your head to the ground, you watched the gravel. You knew telling Richie would be good for you, but you hadn't even planned on telling Stanley..

"Look I know I'm not Stanley, but I still wanna help..."

Richie had read ypur mind, those words giving you a moment of weakness when your broke. Letting yourself tell Richie what was happening.

"It was Henry.. "

"Comon, sit"

Patting the curb next to him you gave in and sat down, relaying every detail you rememberd. He didnt say anything and he didnt need to, you knew he cared and was listening and that was all that mattered to you.

After you told him everything he pulled you into a big hug before shouting ice-cream and giving you a few words of sympathy.

After ice-cream you made him promise to not tell any of the other losers, he was hesitant at first but after you told him you didnt even tell stanley what happened he agreed.

But it did upset you that you hadn't told  Stanley who you were closest to out of the whole group, you told each other everything. But you couldn't bare to tell him this because you knew he wouldn't be able to do anything, and anything he did you would end him up in more trouble. He would do something stupid and get himself hurt.

You brought you hand down to your hip and lazily grazed it across where your t-shirt was covering your now healed scar from that day.

You pushed any worries you had been holding onto out of your mind as you turned into your driveway, switching the grocery bag onto your free arm evening out the weight. Pulling the key out of your back pocket and jiggling it around in your front doors faulty lock, your mum said she'd replace it as soon as her next pay check came in. After a few more seconds of moving the key around the door finally unlocked itself letting you into what felt like heaven after a long day at school. It wasn't always like this, hanging around with the losers was always quite fun, and you didn't have much other choice. You dragged yourself inside and slipped of your shoes at the doorstep before walking into the kitchen to pack away the food.

You spent a few extra cents on some snacks, you and the losers would need it for tomorrow. Bill had been asking the gang to come down to the sewer pipe to look for his brother, Georgie had been gown for so long that No one else beloved they would actually find him. For Bills sake you hoped you did find him, preferably alive but as harsh as it was either way would give him closure. You missed the old Bill, he was still the same of course but he'd lost the sparkel of hope that used to shimmer in his eye.
You felt awful, the only thing you and the losers could do was help him look. Even if there was no hope for poor little Georgie.

The year had taken a toll on everyone in the losers club, with the bowers gang, school and everyones own personal problems. You just hoped  summer would be the break you all needed.

A/N ~ so this is trash, but I haven't posted in awhile and I wanted to start writing again so Im gonna sliwly start posting these again Xx. Im gonna reedit later though

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