A "non" Peaceful day

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Ben's POV 

The Mess Hall

Me and my friends were just eating in the mess hall peacefully when we heard something on the intercom

"I just hate this. Can Erica hale, Zoe Zibbel, Mike Brezinski  and Ben Ripley come to my office."  

And just like that the peaceful day had turned into a non peaceful day. Just great. Anyways How rude of me let me introduce myself, my name is Benjamin Ripley more known as Ben Ripley aka Smokescreen.This is not going to be good because this is a mission and usually I almost die on these missions but on the other hand I was exited because I was going to meet my crush Erica Hale who was extremely talented and also the best spy in the whole academy not if in the future the best spy in the world and she was extremely beautiful and gorgeous.Anyways I was walking to the the office with my excited friends to go on this mission.

Time-skip ( because I am powerful)

 We arrived at the principal's office and we were greeted by Cyrus and Catherine.

"Welcome to operation Australia"

"You guys will have to friend the white twins with Ben and mike friending  Emma White while Zoe and Erica well friend Liam White.

Sorry for the late update.Also in this book ben has been a little bit stronger because it has been 3 months since his last mission. Anyways  

Until then 

AgentBen1612 out

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