¨Part 2¨

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Your eyelids felt heavy as you fluttered them open slowly. You (e/c) orbs staring tiredly at the ceiling. Turning to your right to look at your alarm clock.

"It's only 05:02?"

You mumbled as your (e/c) orbs scanned over the red bright numbers. Groaning as you laid on your stomach hugging your pillow tightly.

"I can't go back to sleep now, how annoying....!"

Sitting up with your pillow still pressed firmly on your chest. Swinging your legs over the bed, standing up with pillow still in hand. Walking up to your curtains and opening them. Small rays of sunlight could be seen in the distance. The sky was painted a beautiful pink color, as well as the fluffy clouds that roamed the sky. You rubbed your eyes as you yawned tiredly. Turning around towards your door. Throwing your pillow on your bed before opening the door that lead towards the long hall.

Peeking your head out and looking right and left before stepping out of your room. Walking down the hall while your eyes still getting used to the darkness wasn't the best idea. But luckily for you it still worked out without you tripping on anything.

The kitchen window was open and the white curtains swayed a little in the wind. Walking up to the window and closing it gently to not make any noise to wake up anyone in the house. Making your way to the walls as your hands fumbled a little on the way before finding the light switch. The bright light blinded you for a second. You blinked multiple times before your eyes adjusted to the lights.


You stood over a pan with frying bacon in it. Your (h/c) hair was up in a bun on top of your head, but still some hair was framing your features.

"Neechan, when are you done! I'm hungry!"

An irk mark made it's way on your forehead a you angrily flipped the bacon in the pan.

"This is the fifth time you asked Hana!"

((Did you know that the name 'Hana' means flower?))

You shouted at your sister as she slumped back down in her seat. Seven year olds really are the best aren't they? You placed the last pair of bacon on a plate as you took it to the table with some eggs with.

"So eat up now, brat..."

The last thing you mumbled under your breath. Hana didn't hear you as she quickly began to eat her food. You sat down in the seat at the other side at the table. Taking your chopsticks and taking up a piece of egg. When it was inches from your mouth a familiar voice broke the peace you had.

"Neechan, can I get more?"

Your chopsticks stopped infront of your mouth as you glanced over to Hana's plate. Your (e/c) orbs slightly widened as you saw that she had eaten everything on the plate in less then five minutes.

"Sure but don't eat so fast."

You said as you quickly put your egg in your mouth and stood up grabbing her plate in the process.

'How I want to be a sunflower right now, or a butterfly.'

You thought to yourself as you took some bacon and an egg and placed it on her plate. Sighing as you looked up on the clock. It read 06:13. Walking up to Hana and placed down her plate infront of her as she started to eat. You heard footsteps behind you. Turning your head as you made eye contact with your mother. Her (e/c) orbs staring into your (e/c) ones. She smiled sweetly at you as she walked up to you and planted a soft kiss on your forehead.

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