When I arrived at school, I texted my mom to let her know that I arrived. Though I never really talk much, my mom and I had a deep connection. I texted her how I would talk in person. I parked my bike in the far empty section at the back of the school parking lot. I guess you could say I do try to avoid human communication as much as possible.

English has always been my favorite class. Even though I speak more than one language, I like writing. The thing I love most about English is that when I write I can write kinda freely but my teacher only grades and looks at my work in private. She says it's fragile. Ms. Right is a very nice teacher. Today we had to write about our safe place. Of course it's the river and my journal but I can't tell people that. When I wrote my paper I said that my safe space is my room because I can be myself and not have to change or act a different way and be in the comfort of my own room.

The class was all on their own when I heard a girl. "Hey you!" A girl called out as she walked into the classroom. The whole class didn't notice because they were loud. A girl walked over to the dark corner where my desk was. " Hey,you're the guy who helped me with my bike today." I looked up at her and glanced into her eyes. I nodded " Well I wanted to say thank you but you had left. I'm Hannah by the way" I nodded and then continued to write. " You seem like you need a friend so I'm your friend now." She smirked. She told me to write my number down on a piece of paper. I had two phones so my least favorite is the phone number I gave to her. Hannah was in my science class.

Later on at school we had a lock down drill. I don't really know what the point is because the person who is in the school went to school and knows the drill. The drill happened right after lunch. For lunch I had a salad. Some people eat them to be healthy but I don't. I actually like salads. After lunch was calculus. My calculus teacher says I'm supposed to be in a higher math class but my mom says that I should wait till next year to move on to college math. SO technically I get to leave school hours early if I choose. I only stay 2 days out of the week and every other day I go to the river. I decided that I wanted to go. I grabbed my school bag and headed out to my bike. Before I sat on my bike texted my mother. "Hello mama I'm on my way home. Do you want a milkshake?" Milkshakes it is. I rode my bike to our local diner drive through. My mom and I have been to that diner ever since we moved to this place. The diner was mint green and had a chicken as their logo. I feel bad for the animals who get slaughtered but the food is very good.

I bought my mother a strawberry milkshake and I bought me a vanilla one. I rode home with the milkshakes in the basket located on the front of my bike. My bike was yellow. I really like blue but when I bought the bike the only color was yellow. When I got home I gave my mother her milkshake and then put mine in the freezer. I headed to my room to drop off my book bag so I could go to work.

I work at a store. It's owned by a guy with a lot of money. It's a very private store. Like for regular people they would see it as a market. The richer people get very expensive deliveries there. I guess some rich people don't like to get their things delivered at their door. I go home with 120 dollars. I get home at around 9 or ten each night. The owner is nice. He says if I need days off that I can just call in. On Sundays after church I work from 11 to 10. So I come home with money. I don't tell my mom because I don't want her to know that I'm working. My mom works as an intern for this very big company. She gets one thousand dollars a week. I've been working for four years. So let's just say I have a ton of money. I kissed my mom and told her I was going to the river.

I hopped on my bike and headed to the store. Where I live you can start working at 10 but that's only if someone asks you. All I have to do is sit in the back and watch the cameras. I do my homework as I work. Out of nowhere my boss busted in the door with a guy. They guy went to my school but we were only in science together.

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