You shifted uncomfortably, your heels way too high and making the balls of your feet begin to cramp. It was almost time now. You could hear the production crew shuffling behind the curtain, shouting orders and directions as more lights clicked on, preparing for the broadcast. Your stomach did another flip as you suddenly felt someone approach by your side, their shadow casting over you. You quickly realized it was Kylo again, glancing sideways at him and gulping. He didn't look down at you, but you watched as his chest rose and fell in a slow rhythm, his expression appearing to be completely calm. You wondered if, deep down, he was just as nervous as you were. But you doubted it. He seemed like he would be a natural at these things. Whenever he spoke, people listened. His physique itself demanded attention, drawing recognition even with the slightest flick of his wrist. He was born for this life--unlike you, who struggled to meet any sort of expectation. It was almost unfair, how aggravatingly perfect he was. You rolled your eyes, scoffing.

"What?" He muttered, finally looking down in your direction.

"Nothing." You shook your head, staring at the velvet curtain in front of you. 

"Tell me." He pushed, shifting closer to your side.

"How does this not freak you out?" You whispered, "I don't understand how you can be so calm about this."

"I never said I was calm." He responded, folding his hands in front of his waist. "I'm just a good actor."

"You're not that good." You muttered, your eyes thinned.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

You heard the producer on the other side of the stage, yelling orders and directions as the timer clicked down. You guessed that there was only about a minute now. 

"You're not good at hiding when you're angry." You said quietly, getting ready for the moment when the curtain would raise.

"You think I'm angry?" He looked down at you again, but you kept your gaze in front of you, readying your fake smile for the cameras. "Angry at what--you?"

"Yes," You hissed, wishing that he would stop talking. It was almost time. "We can talk about this later."

"No I want to talk about it now," He pressed on, leaning closer to you. But just as he did, you heard the producer start to count down from ten, your heart beginning to slam. You swatted Kylo away, shushing him and plastering your forced smile across your lips, taking in a shaky, deep breath. You heard him grumble defeatedly next to you, watching as he straightened his spine out of the corner of your eye. He adjusted his tie, clearing his throat before standing perfectly straight, his hands in fists by his sides. 

"Five, four, three," Your breath caught in your throat, "!" The producer's voice stopped, the bottom of the curtain slowly beginning to lift off the ground. You felt your heart skip a beat as bright light shined in from the stage, the sight of what seemed like a hundred cameras meeting your gaze as the divider lifted all the way, exposing you to the eyes of millions. You tried to control the shivers coursing through your limbs, but you were sure that some people noticed your trembling hands as you and Kylo walked up to the podium at the front of the platform, stopping behind the tall wooden stand. Your body was largely hidden behind it, only the top part of your waist visible to the cameras. It was big enough for two people to stand between its sides, wooden walls confining you and hiding the lower half of your bodies.  

You could barely process the mumbling of the announcer as he read out both of your full names and titles, bowing towards the two of you. You were snapped out of your daze as Kylo flicked your side, motioning for you to bow back--which you did, after a few seconds of awkward delay. The announcer then stepped off the stage, silence falling over the room as they waited for one of you to speak. Kylo's speech was first--to your relief. 

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