The Child

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This was written after inspiration of a meme sooo....

Gale breathed in a breath of fresh air. It was good to be back in Twelve. The pine straw scent filled the air and nostalgia filled him from before he was content with his life like he was now.
   After fifteen long years in District Two he felt a sense of peace. Even though he had many lovers in Two he kept picturing Katniss beside him, their kids running through the streets and the meadow that they had played in as a kid.

   Though this was just a vacation he wanted to check on Katniss, Peeta, and Haymitch. He wondered if Peeta still had panic attacks and Katniss nightmares. He wondered if they lived together and ever reminisced about their time in the games line Gale often did, although no one really understood what that was like.

As he walked towards the Victor's Village a flash of color caught his eyes, primrose. The flowers grow from carefully tended beds and seemed to mock him. He sighed thinking of Katniss and her bitter, broken words that she had said fifteen years ago.

He knew she would never forgive him even if she didn't known the whole truth behind the bombing. In all honesty he had created the bombs that had killed Prim, but that was never the intention. He loved Prim like family and it hurt him to no ends that he knew he had killed her.
  Sorrowfully, he continued past the flowers and deeper past the houses which he could see were sparsely inhabited by remaining the remaining people of district 12 and their children.

When he was about a five minute walk away from Katniss's old house he realized he didn't know where Katniss now lived. She must have had a hard time after Prim and her mother no longer lived there. He looked around for a person to ask and his eyes fell in a girl of about seven.

He jogged to catch up with the girl who seemed to be chasing a cat. When he finally caught up to her she noticed him and looked him in the eyes, "Hi! I'm Rose!" She said brightly petting the ugly orange cat.

He smiled softly at her, "Hello Rose, my name is Gale." He said waving at her with grin. she giggled shyly and he continued, "Do you know where a Katniss Everdeen lives?" Gale said to her, hoping she would know tThe girl tilted her head and stared.

He made the motion of a bow being drawn, "Best archer, wears a braid, the Mockingjay?" Rose's eyes lit up when Gale said that. She clapped her hands.

"Oh! You must mean Katniss Melark, my mother!" Gale's eyes widened and he took a step back. Rose stepped up the hill to help him, "Are you okay Gale?" He forced a smile and nodded.

Rose turned her head as they heard a voice, "Rose!? Where are you?" She smiled, "Over here!" Gale's jaw dropped as Peeta walked over the hill. Gale stood up quickly as they both asked at the same time, "What are you doing here?!"

Peeta raised an eyebrow, "I live here." Gale mentally face palmed, "Sorry, old habits. " Peeta nodded. Gale motioned to Rose, "She looks a lot like you and katniss, now that I think about it." Peeta beamed and picked up Rose. She laughed and pointed to Gale.
"Mr. Gale is looking for Mommy." Peeta's eyes hardened and he turned to Gale, "Does he now? " Rose squirmed out of her father's grip and called back to the two men, "I'm going to find Finnick!" Peers smiled as she ran down the hill, then turned back to Gale.

"You can't see her." Gale glared at him, "And why not?" The blonde sighed and looked at the setting sun, "She's just nearly gotton rid of her nightmares. And I'm sorry to say it, but she associates Prim's death with you. " Gale looked away.

Peeta continued, "If you ever really loved her don't go down there. If not because of that then for the memory of Prim. " It was now Gale's turn to watch the sun set. He had loved Katniss once, at least he thought had so he would honor Peeta's wish.

"Okay. I will just... tell her I wrote." He knew Peeta would not, but the blonde nodded anyway. He held out his hand, "Until we meet again." Peeta hesitated but took Gale's hand, " Until we meet again. "

And they parted Gale, back to the train and Peeta back to his family, both hoping never to meet again.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2022 ⏰

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