He gave that wolfish grin that nearly had her coming. "With you? Never, rose."

She did have the entire day.


"I am so late!" she panicked as she raced the car to the airport.

"You were not complaining so much just a few minutes ago, rose," the male chuckled sitting on the shotgun.

She glared at him. "It's all your fault."

"Mine?" he asked innocently. "I remember you asking for it, rose."

She grunted as she finally found a parking spot and left the chuckling male to pay for the ticket. She inhaled deeply, searching for a familiar scent.

When that faint floral scent itched her nostril, she walked towards it. Harriet was in a black dress with a huge black overcoat. She had three suitcases next to her as she stood awkwardly near the entrance.

"Come on!" Leigh shouted at the startled female. "I was... held up by some work."

Harriet blinked and then broke into a grin. "Perfect."

Seeing that female struggle with the suitcase, Leigh went to help her. Pulling two herself, she walked where she had parked her car.

As expected, that infuriating male was nowhere to be seen, but a sweet note that would give her a tooth cavity and a heart arrest waited for her. Before Harriet could see it, Leigh pocketed it and placed the suitcases at the back of the car.

"Nice car," Harriet commented.

Leigh snorted.

Once they were settled, she started the car and began to drive.

"Where are we going?" she asked in a soft voice.

Maybe to others, this may have sounded weak and would have triggered their instincts to comfort her, but it just annoyed her. Harriet Grin was not a weak female. Had she been, she would not have been one of the head-doctors in that facility.

"Summer Coven," she replied curtly.

"B-but that's where Dave is!" she exclaimed.

"Yeah?" Leigh said, changing gears. "So?"

Harriet mumbled. "I thought-"

"You thought I was taking you to West Coven?"

That doctor nodded.

"Wrong," she said in that annoying voice.

How she wished she would rather hear that male's annoying voice.

The Summer Coven's guards recognised her car and opened the gate for her. It still took two hours to drive from this region to the capital. The Summer Coven land was quite vast.

Apart from asking a few questions, Harriet was actually quite. She had dreaded that the female would ask questions and annoy the shit out of her, but she did nothing like that.

Ten more minutes and they would go to that place where Mali had arranged for Harriet to stay. Why Harriet came here would be a mystery for her.

It was then, the coven's genius laughed with Rune and Sean as they left the diner. Draco was a tech-wiz. Someone she gawked when he worked. The way his fingers moved amazed her. But many did not share her feelings.

For one, Lana was obsessed with him to the point of thinking about tying the poor male to her bed. Consent was not a thing Lana knew. Dave hated how clever Draco was. Or that was what he said. But Leigh knew it had nothing to do with his brilliance. Dave could not control Draco's mind and he hated feeling out of control. Even Harper once checked ono him and found that he was just an unshifted werewolf.

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