Almost Too Good To Be True pt. 2

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Austin's POV

I get in my car, start the engine and buckle my seatbelt. Ally always reminds about my seatbelt, so it's pretty much a habit now. I don't mind, i think it's cute how much she cares about safety.

I pull into Ally's driveway and get out of the car. I walk up to her door and ring the doorbell, but I receive no response. That's weird, it's 8:00 on a Monday night, Ally's such a nerd (an adorable nerd though), where else would she be?

Worried, I open the door and immediately wish I hadn't. I was right about Ally, she's home. Not only is she home, but she's also currently sitting on the couch kissing, yep, you guessed it, Gavin.

I'm suddenly furious, and I don't know why. Well, I know why actually. I clear my throat and they pull apart. Ally turns to face me with mix of shock and guilt on her face. Gavin turns to me with a mix of Ally's lipstick on his face. I can't even stand to look at him. Did I mention I hate him?

No, it's not because he's kissing Ally, although that isn't helping his case right now. It's mostly because of what he's done to Ally in the past. They went through a brutal breakup, or should I say, Ally went through a brutal breakup. Gavin was on to a new girl the next day.

He told her that she wasn't 'hot' enough for him. He's probably the most disgusting person I've ever met. Sure he can mesmerize girls and make them believe that they're the world to him (which is probably why Ally was kissing him again), but on the inside, he really just wants to have someone to make out with all the time.

"Uh, hey Austin!" Ally says, twirling her hair nervously. Okay I know I should be angry, but that's adorable.

"Hey buddy!" Gavin smiles, but it soon fades when I glare at him.

"Gavin, I think you should leave." I point to the door.

"But Austin-" I interrupt Ally.

"Now Gavin!" He grabs his coat and runs out the door.

"Austin! What was that for?!" Ally storms up to me, angry.

"You can't hang out with Gavin."

"You can't control my life Austin!" Ally yells, I've never seen her this upset at me.

"I'm not trying to, I just don't want you near him Ally, don't you remember what he did to you?!" She rolls her eyes but has a slightly softer look on her face.

"He's changed Austin. He apologized to me, and I'm ready to forgive him."

"Ally, he really hasn't. He's lying, because he does it to every girl he 'goes out with'. He breaks up with them when he's tired of them, and then comes back pretending to be sorry."

"Whatever Austin, just leave." She turns away from me.

"Ally," I reach out my hand but she pushes it away.

"LEAVE!" She screams at me with tears in her eyes. I run out the door and drive home.

"How did it go honey?" I just keep walking past my mom and run into my room. I flop down onto my bed, tears streaming down my face.

^^Almost Too Good To Be True Pt. 2^^

Ally's POV

I feel awful about Austin. But I wasn't lying, Gavin has changed. At least I think he has. Speaking of Gavin, he's here to pick me up for our date.

I take a quick look in the mirror before running to answer the door.

"Hey Gavin!" I smile and he smiles back, but it's not a normal smile. It seems a bit, I don't know, evil.

"Yeah yeah, listen Ally. Kissing you was fun, but you're still ugly. So I'm just gonna go out with Kira instead. She's pretty, unlike you." He smirks and slams the door in my face.

It takes me a minute to process what just happened. Once realization hits I break down crying. Austin was right, Gavin really hasn't changed. I feel even worse now. Austin was just trying to protect me, and I kicked him out. I better call him to apologize.

I dial his number and wait anxiously. I wouldn't blame him if he doesn't pick up, I did act like a complete jerk.



Austin's POV

I've been laying down in bed all day, crying my eyes out. That was, until I saw Ally's caller id come up on my phone.


"A-Austin?" Ally stutters, I can tell she's been crying.

"Ally what's wrong?!" I ask, getting up and putting my coat on.

"It's about Gavin, y-you were right about him. He hasn't changed. I'm s-sorry I didn't trust you." Ally sobs.

"It's okay Ally, I'm coming over now." I run to my car and drive to Ally's house.

Now, most guys in this situation would go up to the girl and say "I told you so", but I'm not a jerk like most guys. I know Ally's hurting, and I want to help her.

I don't knock on the door, I know I don't need to. I go inside, but I can't see Ally anywhere. Then I hear slight sobbing and see that she's on the couch.

"Austin, I-I'm sorry. I feel awful now. I should have listened to you, I know you were just trying to protect me." Ally breaks down into tears.

"Hey Ally, listen. It's fine, really. I know how Gavin is. He's very convincing and can make you believe anything he wants to. How about we go to the park and take a walk so that you can clear your head?" I extend my hand to her and she takes it.

"I would love that." She smiles and we walk out the door.

^^Almost Too Good To Be True Pt. 2^^

Once we get to the park I get out of the car and go to Ally's side of the car. I open her door for her and she blushes.

"What a gentlemen."

"Anything for you m'lady." I bow and she giggles. Man, I love her laugh. Actually, I love everything about her. I love her smile, her hair, her voice, I just love, well, her. And I love when we're playing piano and-

"Austin?" Ally waves her hand in front of my face and I snap out of my trance. "Are you okay?"

I blush. "Yeah I'm good. I was just uh, thinking, about stuff." She laughs and intertwines our fingers as we take a walk through the park.

While walking, I suddenly feel a drop of rain on my face. Then another one, and another one after that. It wasn't long until it started down pouring. Ally and I look at each other and just burst out laughing.

"May I have this dance?" I hold out my hand and Ally takes it.

"I would be honored." She giggles and I spin her as we dance around in the pouring rain.

Watching the raindrops fall gently down her perfect skin, I soon couldn't help myself. I leaned in and connected our lips. I didn't feel her kiss back, so I started to pull away. I was brought back by Ally kissing me back, passionately.

We pull apart for air, leaning our foreheads on each other. I come to my senses and realize it's still raining and Ally is shivering, so I take off my coat and wrap it around Ally's shoulders.

She smiles at me. "Why don't we go back to my house? We can watch Romeo and Juliet if you want. I know it's your favorite."

//A/N: Haha did you guys get the ending?😂 Anyways, this was requested so I hope you like it! Thank you all so much for reading, voting, and commenting! P.S. Thank you so much for 1k reads, It means a lot!☺️💘

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