You Didn't See That Coming?

Start from the beginning

I lay there in a pile of my blood, wishing to be out of this hell hole. 

"Peter?" Came a small voice beside me. I turned to see Betty beside me, her small frame shaking. "a-are y-you dead?!" Her 5 year old voice shaking and trembling.

"I'm not dead" I confirm. She exhales. "Betty, I need you to get Alex. They'll know what to do." Betty nods slightly, running upstairs. Alex is a few months older than me and they want to be a doctor.

I could hear a stomping before Alex was in front of me, their eyes filled with what looks like pain. In seconds they lifted my underweight body and started carrying me. My eyes started drooping and the last thing I heard was "You'll be ok" before everything went black.


I woke up with a pounding headache and look down to see bandages everywhere. Thank god for Alex. I turn to the side and see my alarm clock ticking. 12.40. Nice.

I can hear talking downstairs thanks to the 15th experiment Hydra did on me. Honestly, Fuck them. It sounds like a couple are looking to adopt. That's fun. Most people want Young Kids like Betty, so I'll just stay here. I'm comfortable anyways. I see some ibuprofen and a glass of water that I happily take.

"Pete, you should come down, they are looking for older kids" Alex says as they walk into out shared bedroom. It had been 5 minutes.

"Don't want me as your roommate anymore?, huh?" They chuckle.

"I'll stay here, everything hurts." They give me a raised eyebrow as I yawn.

"I'm bringing them here. If anyone should get out, it's you Pete. You are the only person who she hurts-" 

"And I prefer it that way" I cut them off. "I can take it"

"Dumbass" They mumble, leaving the room. 

"Ugh! Ok!" I moan before trudging down the stairs after them.

Pietro's POV

 I was jumping with excitement when I woke this morning. I was up at 5 like usual, mentally cursing Hydra for programming it into me. I went to the kitchen and found Natasha, Wanda and Bucky sitting there. We gave each other a knowing look before I took a couple of pancakes off the stack and sat down.

It wasn't until 6 that Steve woke up, kissing Bucky before they left to go for a run. The next to wake up was Tony, though I doubt he slept at all. FINALLY, my husband trudged out of our room, wiping the sleep out of his eyes. He looked at me and I grinned. 

"It's today" he whispered lightly, excitement laced his features.

"It's today" I repeated. Within moments we were both jumping up and down excitedly.

I looked at the time. 11:30. It would take Clint at least half an hour to get ready. 

"Go get changed" I started, "I'll find an adoption place for us to go to. Hurry up though."

He nodded in response and ran back to our room. 

"Mrs ceiling?" 

"Yes sir, and my name is FRIDAY"

"Ok, Mrs FRIDAY, can you search for the closest adoption agency please?"

There was a moment of silence before the voice came back again.

"The closest adoption agency is located 30 minutes away by car and is called Madame Trevaults'"

"Thank you" I say. She doesn't respond, but I figure that she heard it.

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