Chapter 2: the test

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It's getting light in our neighborhood. It might make a good song title. Anyway... We're all dressed in white, our hair is loose and we're sitting there waiting for the camp leaders. Soon after, they came in accompanied by the director of the education group. There were 1 woman and 2 men. The woman is the 'Mother' of the research centres and the 2 men are the 'Fathers' of the production centres and the military camps. The director took the floor.

Director: As you know, your journey in our camp is over. You are going to have to enter the active life and be useful for our survival. For the order of passing the test, we will start with the last and finish with the first of you in the order of passing the test. So we will start with Melody and finish with Elizabeth.

I have a feeling it's going to be a long one. 40 entries and 39 passes before me. Well... Siesta !!!

A few hours later, it was finally my turn. I walked to the room where all my classmates passed by. It was entirely metallic, probably to support the most powerful Kaha. Taps, as for fires, were suspended from the ceiling. They turned on and sprayed a white mist that spread throughout the room.

After the mist cleared, the setting I was in was completely white. We had never been told how the test was conducted, either by the educational staff or the former students. It was said that if we were described how the test worked, the manifestation of our Kaha would be obsolete and even null. Quite delightful! Yet the white of this play was so pure, that it is unlikely to have any role in stimulating any Kaha.

Except that in that white, there is a point. A very small black dot, far away, and so small that it was very difficult to perceive it, but it is there and it is the only thing here that is of any importance. Then the dot became bigger, or else they'd 'come closer. When it was in front of me, I saw that this point was actually a ball. It was a ball no bigger than an apple, and this remark was useless, for while I was making my observation, it kept moving at a constant speed as if it was going to pass through me. And it did. This bubble entered me, but surprisingly it did not come out. Uh... what the hell is this thing doing in my stomach?

A useless observation as well... I began to feel a warmth in the pit of my stomach. Then after some heat, some pain. A pain that twists your guts, pierces your stomach and electrifies your heart and lungs. I can't feel my arms and legs. My ears are ringing and my breathing is difficult.

Then I felt a pulse in my heart. With all their nonsense, I'm having a cardiac arrest!!! This pulsation gradually spread throughout my body. From my fingertips to my feet. This pulsation became general. I felt it everywhere, even outside my body.


... It stopped. . .

... . . .nothing. . .

The white dissipated and gave way to the original metal piece. The floor was wet and I was lying there on my back, staring at the taps, which gradually stopped working.


No wonder nobody wants to tell us about it !!! If everybody knew, nobody would want to take the damn test !!!

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