[ iii :: unlucky ]

Start from the beginning

Lying bitch.

"They can all go to fuckin' hell, s'what I say," Anais says with her mouth full. "Je les déteste et je déteste ma vie."

Louis frowns. "Enough with the French."

"You so do not hate life," Soo tuts, because she's been Anais' flatmate since freshman year and she knows her well enough to know she could never mean that. "Quit playin' around."

"I do too. I mean it. If she falls off the stage during a show I'd laugh and take pictures and post 'em all on Facebook for the world to remember her as the clumsy bitch with a shitty runway walk, 'cause let's be honest, her walk is shit and if she weren't blonde she wouldn't even be a fuckin' model, anyways."

"And I'm dramatic?"

"Louis, have you seen Lucky?"

"I have," he nods. "And I've got to say, I'm way more attractive and I don't see you crying about not being with me," he shrugs, "and we all know pretty damn well that you should."

She scoffs. "I'm serious, Lou."

"What makes you think that I'm not, Anais?"

She groans.

"No, no more moaning," says Soo Joo, jumping from the counter.

She tugs on Anais' arm.

"Soo! M'gonna drop my ice cream!"

"Here," says Louis. "I'll help," and he lifts the carton from her fingers, eliciting another, "Hey-Louis, what the hell-?" before Soo grabbs both of her arms and tugs her up into a stand.

"Guys," Anais whines. "Stop..."

"It's time for you to get back into the fray," Soo says. "It'll be fun. Both of us single..."

"I've been single, Soo."

"Yeah, but now you can be really single since Lucky's taken!"

She deadpans. "Not helping."

"It's time to get over him, Anais-We're taking you out," Soo says. "We're going out this weekend; you know what? We ought to go out during the week. Let's get smashed like we used to-"

"We were freshman, Soo."

"So? What's a little trip down memory lane?" She giggles. "Huh? What about it, Lou? Just the three of us like we used to."

"ObviouslyI think it's a good idea," Louis scoffs.

"You always agree with Soo!"

"He does not."

"I do," he nods. "I totally do, but it's because she's right-Ow!" Louis rubs his arm, scowling back at Anais. "Your hands're freezing, y'know."

"So what," she snaps. "You deserve it."

"C'mon, Ana," Soo pouts. "Don't make me sad and cry."

"Yeah Ana," says Louis, and he cups Soo's face in his hand and squeezes gently. He widens his eyes and brings his face beside hers. "Don't make Soo Joo cry."

Anais folds her arms. This just isn't fair.

"Things have changed since freshman year," she states blankly, because they have. At one point, it was the three of them; best friends forever, getting through the struggles of New York and NYU. Now, what are they? She and Soo are living together and they're as tight as ever, right? But Louis very obviously likes Soo and so...So what? What now? What happens when they run off to Vegas and get married (because they're two of the most socially unconventional people ever) or they all graduate and the two of them settle down in London and have six kids together and a big enough plot of land for them to teach them football (as Louis would insist) and Soo could have a cute little hipster garden filled with exotic spices and vegetables and so where did that leave Anais? Where was her 'happily ever after' with a hot guy with perfect bone structure and great eyes?

Fuckin' hell-Why did Lucky have to be such a dick?

She sighs, because here are two people staring at her with wide eyes-Here are two people who actually give more than a single solitary shit about her and her feelings, so she sighs again.

"Alright," she grins, and Soo claps her hands together and Louis rolls his eyes as if he'd known what she'd say all along.

(He did.)

"Okay, I'm in. Je vais le faire, je vais le faire..."

"This is gonna be so fun...Now, we've got to buy that cheap alcohol that we got when we were freshman and Anais, we've got to go shopping for our sluttiest clothes. What are you doing Tuesday, Louis?"



"Holy-No, guys! I've got classes Wednesday!"

"But, Tuesday's Happy Hour at that club we used to sneak into! C'mon, Anais! If we're going to recreate our nights we've got to do it right."


"No buts!"

"You heard her," Louis exclaims. "No 'buts,' Anais."

Anais stabs at melting ice cream, now. "Piss off, Lou."

"Love you, too, babe."

She cocks an eyebrow. "Sure you do, Lou. Sure you do."

Just not as much as Soo Joo.


Cutest gif EVER of Soo Joo. I'm so excited for this story I swear -- models + musicians? i'm ready.

Also guys i'm warning you now anais curses like a sailor and she has no reservations about anything, so if youre uncofortable with a realllyyyy foul mouth, here's your heads up hehehe.

Comment and vote! I really wanna hear your responses peeps. Also ps Zayn is in the next chapter don't worry I know you missed him.

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