I managed to pull back, sending him a pointed look.
"Lloyd," I warned. He stepped back, grinning goofily with his palms raised in defence.
"Sorry," he replied honestly. "Couldn't help myself."
I rolled my eyes as I stood and shoved him out of my room.
"Then you better learn some more control, Ninja," I teased as I began to shut the door. "Don't open the door. You know what I can do with a skateboard."
Lloyd snorted, subconsciously resting a finger against his scar.
"Trust me, I know."
My gaze lingered on his face for a few more seconds before I made myself shut the door. I sighed, wondering how on earth my life got this exciting in such a short time, before heading towards my closet and grabbing some clothes to change into from Lloyd's. Obviously I kept the hoody on.

When we got to the kitchen, Mum had already cooked up some bacon and eggs. She was just putting bread in the toaster as we entered. She turned her head when she heard us (well, me) enter.
"Take a seat," she said, gesturing to the dining table as if it was an interrogation. With my mother, it may as well be.
Gulping, I lead Lloyd to the table, sitting down next to him. We remained in silence for a few minutes until Mum returned with our breakfast.
Once she was seated down, we began to eat in an awkward silence. I could feel my mother's gaze on us. I wanted to perish.

"So you're Lloyd," Mum said, breaking the silence but making the tension only thicken. Lloyd nodded.
"Yes, ma'am," he replied politely. I could see the slight fear in his green eyes.
Mum hummed in consideration, tapping her nails on the table.
"And you're the Green Ninja?"
I glanced down at his gi while chewing on my toast. Well, duh.
"Yes, ma'am," he nodded again.
Mum pursed her lips in contemplation, giving Lloyd a calculating glare.

"And how old are you, Lloyd?"
Lloyd hesitated, dropping his gaze to his plate. I sent mum a ludicrous glare.
Mum raised her eyebrows.
"Huh," she replied. "Young for a saviour of Ninjago."
Lloyd sheepishly grinned, lifting his eyes.
"You have no idea - I- I mean as in I get that a lot," he saved himself, grimacing.
Mum didn't pay his stumble any mind, dragging her gaze to me.
"Y/n thought you were twenty the first time you two met," her tone grew mischievous and I felt my fear begin to heighten. Oh, no. "She has a thing for older guys. You should see her fawning over Sebastian Stan."
My face burnt furiously. Somebody please, please kill me.
"Mum," I whined, accidentally dropping my fork onto the table. "Can you not?" She just shrugged in response. Damn you.

"You two met in the park, right?" she asked, ignoring my burning glare. We nodded. "But... Y/n didn't know you were the Green Ninja?"
I shook my head.
"She figured it out one night," Lloyd explained after he swallowed a bite of bacon. "She was on the rooftop after dark. Some of Cyrus Borg's droids got hacked into and were on the loose."
"He pulled me out of the way," I added.
Mum furrowed her eyebrows as she turned her confused and intrigued gaze to me.
"How on earth did you figure it out?"
I drew silent, dropping my gaze as my face flushed red. I gnawed on the inside of my cheek in embarrassment.
"Apparently it was my scent," Lloyd answered for me, voice light in amusement. Mum snorted.
"Scent?" she echoed incredulously. "You're kidding."
"Nope," Lloyd denied, grinning. "It was my scent."
"You two just like watching me suffer," I complained as I stabbed a piece of egg with my fork. "Jerks."

Mum rolled her eyes at me.
"Okay, joking aside," she promised, clapping her hands as I raised my glass of water to my lips. Though, knowing my mother, the joking was not over yet. "How long have you been together? Have you two had sex yet?"
I sprayed water back into the glass as I coughed, taken aback. Did she really just-??
"Mum!" I hotly cried once I composed myself, embarrassed beyond belief. "You don't just ask that!"
"I'm just curious!" she defended. "I can be curious!"
"Not about that!"
"I just wanted to know! I'm your mother, I have a right to know!"
"No," Lloyd saved us, face red. "We haven't."

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