hacker on the loose

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okay so i can't read the titles of any of the books, so fingers crossed this is a spam book or art book or something.


you'll never guess who it is, because most of you probably don't know me
but feel free to try
i'll even give you some hints:

- in fair verona we lay our scene
- has the best prom date ever
- spams announcements way too much

okay now enough about me, onto the main attraction: the real owner of this account

first of all, absolute sweetheart!!!! i'm so glad we got to talking, and honestly, i look forward to talking with you, it makes my day ☺️

second of all, you're always there to help out. you're such an amazing friend, you're super caring and compassionate. just know that it's returned. i'm always here for you too babes 💕

third of all, absolute artist have you seen it???? it's so good

fourth of all, that movie idea is sooooo cool

anyway this person is an absolute sweetheart. i always see them spamming people's message boards and going out of their way to give other people compliments and just make their day. they spread so much positivity, and i think we need to return that.

anyway, i love you

you're an amazing person 💕

ps. anyone wanna go with them to wattprom? i told them that literally anyone would give an arm and a leg to be their date, but they didn't believe me

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