chapter 2 -Be careful what you wish for.-

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Without further do, here is the Second chapter.

Roxy got right to work as she brushed the little dogs fur smiling.

"See I'm doing amazing with you little guys, think the girls get worried about nothing when it comes to you, they just need to know how to handle you like I do." She chuckled softly as she looked over at Artu.

Sitting there she watched as she pets flew around the room behaving nicely. Or so she thought. it seems a few main fairy pets were missing.

"Huh?" Roxy took a head count as she looked around the room and counted all the random pets. but no sign of the girls fairy animals. Where were they?

Getting up Roxy lifted her hand placing a small magic spell upon the brush that was brushing Ginger like she liked it.

With that being taken care of She walked away from Artu and ginger to look for the others.

"Hmm Let's see I placed the pet bowl over here, But they haven't touched it?"

Looking around, Roxy sighed as she searched the love and pet shop. "Guys where did you all go?"

Suddenly a loud screeching sound came from Musa's area as she noticed Pepe who was dancing next to aloud speaker.

"No I said you could dance and listen to music as long as it's not loud please turn that down."

Roxy made her way over by the bear when all of a sudden, The fairy of animals suddenly took a dive down to the ground as she tripped over a dog toy that was on the floor.

Lifting herself up though Roxy soon took notice that it wasn't just a squeaky toy it was toys. dozens of them were scattered all around the floor as a large basket was on the ground.

From there to the side in Layla's area were two of the pets who wanted to play throwing squeaky toys everywhere.

"No, I said you could play but not like this."

Sighing the female started to pick up the toys so she wouldn't trip again until suddenly after taking a step Roxy heard a CRUNCH below her feet.

Did she even dare look at that was?

Slowly she opened one of her now closed eyes and saw pet munchies that were now grounded into the carpet. No it was worse. there was pet munchies everywhere.

Kikio was standing on the counter eating the left over Pizza that the girls had, ordered as the other pets created a pet munchies mountain. In the middle of the shop.

"Oh no.." Roxy gasp as she was afraid of what else she was now going to find in her small disappearance.

"Kikio!" Roxy spoke up upset.

"What?" Kiko held a slice of pizza in his paw as he looked at Roxy a but puzzled.

"I said you guys could have a little fun not, to create this, and your not supposed to be eating that.. Oh no blooms going to kill me when they get back."

Looking around Roxy was dreading the look of the girls faces when they get back. "Things got way out of hand."

"Artu!" Roxy called out to her companion.

Artu moved over next Roxy as he looked up. "Is something wrong?"

He looked around the room and then looked back at Roxy. "Oh?"

"I need your help, help me round up the pets Bloom and then will be back and were in so much trouble if they come home to this."

Artu nodded his head as he noticed that she sighed. "Ok Ok you check up stairs , I'll see if I can find the down here."

Roxy nodded her head, feeling a little hesitant.

Rushing up stairs Roxy found herself coming face to face with a mess in a half. And she thought that the bottom half of the shop was a mess, What in the world was she thinking? And how did things get so out of hand?

Shaking her head she began to try and undue her mistake , until she noticed one huge problem.

The window was Open and the pets were gone.

"Oh no."

And this is where I stop, yes it's a short chapter but the next one is going to be longer. I promise.

Please review and leave comments. What do you think happened to the pets ^.-

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2020 ⏰

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