2. Bonding and detention

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"I have a special announcement!" Kirishima got up from his seat and walked over to the front of the class in the middle of aizawa's lecture. Y/n put her head down on her desk waiting for his 'announcement' to be over.

"Y/n L/n I am in love with you!" He yelled and the class laughed at his daily routine, waiting to see what he had in store. The chalk board had a cover over it and the male pulled down the cover revealing a drawing of her face on it with her name next to it. The classroom filled with 'oos' and 'ahs', he had talked to Kaminari before class to help him draw her since he was the only person he knew who actually had some artistic skill surprisingly.

"Kiri please sit down" y/n mumbled her head still stuck to her desk.

Aizawa sighed rolling his eyes at the boy who had a grin plastered on his face. This was a VERY normal thing, but that didn't mean it got any less annoying for the man to have to deal with. He knew he had to do something in order to stop his class being interrupted everyday for the rest of the year.

"L/n and kirishima, detention after school today" he yawned and y/n shot up from her seat.

"What why do I get detention when he's the one who interrupted the lesson?!"

"I think maybe you can talk some sense into him after school, considering you're the reason he has these constant outbursts. Moving on..." the man sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. Y/n sat back down and groaned letting her head fall onto her desk again. Kirishima on the other hand couldn't be more excited that he would have to spend time with her after school. He silently thanked his teacher.


Bonding and detention

"Now I need you two to stay in here for the next three hours and rethink interrupting my class. I've contacted both of your parents, well tried to anyway y/n's didn't answer luckily for her" he mumbled and left the classroom.

Kirishima looked over at y/n who sat on the very end of the room, she was clearly annoyed with him. Though that wasn't what he was worried about at the moment, what really ran through his mind were the whereabouts of y/n's parents which was something she NEVER spoke of. He got up from his seat the chair squeaking as he did so alerting the girl on the other side of the room. He moved over and sat in front of her turning to chair so that he faced her.

"What do you want?" She groaned.

"I wanted to ask about your parents, I've never seen them before and I was just wondering what they were like"

"I don't want to talk about my stupid parents" she sighed looking down. Y/n always ignored the fact that she even had parents at all since they didn't even take care of her, only providing enough money for her and her brother to live comfortably on their own. She didn't have a relationship with them because they were always gone, it was a taboo topic and one that Kirishima so casually brought up.

"Well how am I supposed to ask for their blessing if I know nothing about them"

She ignored his attempt at a joke and kept her eyes on her desk, she clenched her fists in anger. Every time he brought up her parents she was only reminded of their constant absence.

"Y/n... you know you can tell me anything. I won't use it against you or pity you, I'm honestly just here to listen if you need to vent"

That was it, those were the words she always wanted to hear but never did. She slowly lifted her head to look at him expecting a goofy smile or something so it could be easier for her to turn him down, but his expression was serious. She sighed and for some reason in this little classroom with just her and him she confided in him.

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