Chapter 1: Are ghosts real?

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Morning light streams in through the blinds as I roll over in bed. Even in the early morning I can feel the approach of summer heat in the coming day. Slowly I get up and stretch. I am still wearing my paint smeared clothes from the previous night and I can feel matts of glue in my hair. I walk across the hall to the bathroom, turn on the faucet to hot, and stick my head under. Hot water runs down my neck and forehead as I sit up and attempt to brush the knots out of my short brown hair. I then wash the paint and glue off of my hands and arms an even a bit off my leg. It would be easier to just take a shower but there has been something wrong with the water pressure lately and the bathroom shower hadn't been working. Once the sink is off I can hear footsteps in the outside hall. I open the door and just barely catch a glimpse of my aunt as she walked carefully down the stairs. I walked over and waited until she had reached the bottom before going down myself. I didn't want the vibrations of my steps to spook her.

"I think there's something in the attic." I say as I carefully walk around her and set myself in one of the many arm chairs that occupied the first floor living room.
"There is lots of things in the attic." Aunt Alice stated. "Most of it belonged to my sister and I. Some is also my late husbands."

"No I mean something alive."

"Like a raccoon?" She asks.

"Yeah." I say but it didn't feel like the right answer. Whatever it was up there last night seemed much bigger than a raccoon.

"Ill get someone to go check it out." She said as she walked over to the old phone and began pressing dials. I left as she did this and went back upstairs where I changed and then waited at the bottom and the stairs to the attic for whoever it was my aunt was calling. I tapped my foot impatiently on the hardwood as I waited. I wanted to get back up there and get my doll. I had been working on it for months and I would be peeved if something happened to it. Finally I heard the stairs creak behind me and I look back to see an old man coming down the hall. He looked to be even older than my aunt but he still had quite a healthy and athletic build despite the wrinkles.

"Are you Eve?" He asked and I nodded silently.

"I'm a friend of your Aunts." He said. "I have heard so much about you."

"From my aunt?" I asked shocked.
"No, your mom." He said and then seemed to brush aside the subject. He introduced himself as Stanley and then asked about the raccoon.

"Its pretty big." I stated as I pointed up at the attic.

"How big?"


"Did you see it?"

"Not exactly." I muttered as I looked down at my hands. I could still see paint under my fingernails. Stanley stood there a second and then grabbed this big net and cage he had brought with him and headed up towards the attic. I followed as he opened the attic door and stepped into the wide room. He flipped the light switch next to the door and I was surprised when it turned on, casting a yellow light over the room.

"There's a lot of places for critters to hide." He stated as he looked around the room at all the boxes and chests that were piled up and scattered everywhere. Only a small portion of the room was cleared and that was where my work desk was. I looked over at my desk wondering if I could just get back to work on my doll while he searched when I breathed in a sharp breathe. My doll was gone. It wasn't on the desk where I left it. Franticly my eyes searched the room as I wondered if some mangy pest had taken it as a chew toy. Finally my eyes landed on what looked like its leg sticking out from behind a box. I ran over and picked it up and turned it over in my hand to search for blemishes. Everything about it was fine except its face which I had just painted last night. Its blue eyes were blurred and there was clear paint running down from them. I touched it and the eyes were wet but it wasn't paint wet, it was water wet.

"Thats pretty neat. Did you make that?" Stanley asked and I turned around to see him standing over me. I slowly nodded as I carried the precious doll back to my desk where I dried his face. Surprisingly the paint hadn't smeared or run at all from the water and after wiping his face her seemed fine at first glance but when I held the doll out in front of me something just seemed different from the night before and no matter how hard I thought I couldn't place my finger on what was wrong about it.

"Im not seeing anything." Stanley said as he came back around from behind some boxes. Usually raccoons come in from windows or air vent or holes in the ceiling but Im not seeing anything like that here. I'll leave this trap box in the corner still just in case."

"Thanks." I muttered as I turned my back to him and focused on my doll. I heard him walk downstairs and bid farewell to my Aunt and then the house was silent again. I put the doll down on the desk and glanced around the room just as I heard footsteps come back up the stairs and there appeared my aunt in the doorway.

"Stanley doesn't think it's a raccoon." She said as she walked towards me, stopping short in the center of the room. She had an odd expression of delight on her face that I wasn't used to seeing on her.

"What is it?" I asked and she smiled at me.

"Your mother and I used to play up here." She said. "And we often heard...stuff."


"Your mother believed they were ghosts." Aunt Alice said and I felt the hairs on the back of my neck prickle.

"There are no such things as ghosts." I stated.

"Your mother believed they were real. She said they would talk to her."

"My mom was nuts."

"I heard them too at times." She said and I bit my tongue.

"She believed that the ghosts were lonely and that they would often take over her toys so they could play with her. She used to spend hours up here talking and singing to them."
"Toys?" I asked as I looked back down at my doll. Was it just me or had his expression changed.

"Yes." Alice mused as her mind seemed to wander off and then all of a sudden she snapped back to reality and walked unusually close to me. "Be careful and be nice to them." She said, her voice stern and her vacant eyes fixed on me. "Don't let them to close ad whatever you do...don't make them mad." And then her expression softened, she turned around, and she walked away leaving me sitting at my desk alone with this doll in my hands wondering to myself why I felt so scared.

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