3 short stories that have to do with dogs and 1 with a lot of cats!

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Heya! Title says it all! It's mainly me getting hurt by dogs.

First story!

When I was 4 years old I had a friend, back then we were inseparable.
She had a dog.
I went over to her place one day, and her dog jumped on me, mind the dog was HUGE compared to me.
And guess what? I got bitch slapped. By. A. Dog. The other paw hit me in the eye.
We did still had a good time though!

Second story!

When I was in 1st or 2nd grade I stayed at my aunt's place. We went to some party 'cause it was the birthday of someone from my uncle's side of the family. There were a few kids, but I stayed with my older cousin since I didn't know the others and I'm shy as fuck. The only other girl had a dog. She was trying to talk to me all the time and after a few hours of her trying I gave in and we got to know each other. Not too long after it was already dark out and there weren't any lights in the garden so we were playing games in the dark. My cousin was provoking the dog for some reason and it tried attacking him. The leash caught my leg and the dog ran around and bit my leg. It bled quite a lot and I went to my aunt, the only adult that didn't get drunk, and showed her what had happened. All she did was wipe the blood away and tell me to go back and keep playing with the kids. Sure, I'm gonna run around in the dark with a wounded leg that is STILL BLEEDING while you have a fucking medkit with you (yea she always carries amedkit around) and COULD do shit about my leg but don't because EVERYONE IN MY FAMILY HATES ME EXCEPT MY BROTHERS AND COUSIN!

Last dog story!

I was out in the woods with a friend last year and we were on our way back out.
A huge dog ran up to us and started barking like all hell broke out. My friend just walked past and the dog kept barking and growling at me. My finger twitched and the dog looked like it was actually going to attack me. It came closer. I didn't do anything, just stare at it. Again, the dog came closer. The owner came and tried to convince me the dog wouldn't do anything. Yea, right. I tried taking a step. And who would've guessed? The dog tried attacking me! The owner pulled it away by the collar and held it so I could go back to my friend.

Dogs just seem to LOVE attacking me.

The cats story!

Back in October I was in Bulgaria with my mother and stepfather. It was still super hot there and I can't stand heat so I didn't like it. The only things that made my stay there better were all the cats and the fact that I found out about Show by Rock which later would become my favorite anime and rhythm game. Well, there were a LOT of stray cats (they were still taken care of by the people in the area they were in). I got 7 in one picture! Whenever we sat down anywhere I'd end up with a cat jumping on my lap and just cats all around me.
And whenever we had to leave they'd follow us for a while. Once when we just sat at one of the outside tables of a Burger place, waiting for our orders to arrive. There was a couple not too far away from us and they had their cat with them (I dunno why you'd take out a pet cat with you on a date but they did) and guess what the cat did? It jumped out of the woman's lap and came over to me! My mother (the only one of us who speaks Bulgarian) explained to the couple that that had happened every time we went somewhere. They didn't have a problem with it as long as we didn't keep it. Later it turned out that the woman and my mother were friends back in their school days. Well, I dunno what else to say here so this is over.

 Well, I dunno what else to say here so this is over

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Here's the pic I told ya about!


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2020 ⏰

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