Abuse, Moon Goddess & Mates

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I felt someone touch my arm and I hissed in pain, their touch burned my skin. 

"Hillary? I'm Doctor Lenard, can you open your eyes for me?"

I slowly opened my eyes again and took in my surroundings. I was in a small room with white and blue walls, the tables were covered in all types of flowers, "get well soon" cards and balloons saying the exact quote. There were 2 nurses by my left side, Doctor Lenard by my right and in front of my bed was Roberta and Jonathan looking anxious. 

"What happened?" I croaked out. My throat felt as dry as the desert, I really needed some water. It was as if Roberta heard my thoughts and immediately came up to me with a cup of cold water. She lifted up the plastic cup to my lips as I drank thirstily, the cup that was once full to the brim was now empty with not even a drop of water left and I felt hydrated again.

"Miss Coldon, do you remember anything?" Dr. Lenard asked and then as if a trigger was pulled for my brain to function that all the past sequence of events attacked me. Jonathan's letter, Jonathan's birthday breakfast, me going home, bumping into my psychotic brother, him abusing me to the point of almost death and then my dream of the Moon Goddess. However I couldn't tell them that they would think I was crazy. So I lied. 

"No, I don't remember anything before I blacked out. I just remember leaving Jonathan's house early on his birthday so that I could plan my surprise for him but from then on it was all just a blur of events." 

"Ah, I see. Well you were abused, you had multiple wounds on different parts of your body. Both your arms and ribs were broken and you suffered with severe head injuries, we almost thought you wouldn't make it or at least be in a coma for about a month but your obviously a strong pup and got by in a week. Jonathan and Roberta here were lucky enough to get there in time before you lost too much blood."

"Wait, how did you know where I was?" I asked Jonathan. 

"Well I saw your note and ate the breakfast you made me- which was lovely by the way- I got dressed and waited for you like you told me too. 1 Hour had passed by with me waiting and I got worried so I called you, left you messages and voicemails. Your phone's probably flooded with calls and messages by Roberta and I, we knew it was unlike you to just not answer and let us worry so we decided to go to your house and see what was wrong. That’s when we saw you passed out on the floor with pool of blood surrounding you. We got you to the Were hospital as fast as we could, we cancelled the party and stayed with you the whole week. We couldn't bear to leave you suffering while we had fun, you mean too much."   

Could it be possible that my heart just literally melted right then and there? My eyes filled with tears as I gestured him to come over to my side of the bed.

"I think we should give them some time alone." Roberta stated in a warm tone. I gave them all a grateful smile as they left the room. Jonathan stared at me with so much love and admiration and I'm sure mine reflected the same emotions. 

He grabbed my head and kissed away those tears that fell freely. I found his mouth and kissed him hungrily, oh how I've missed his delicious mouth. Our tongues fought for dominance which he obviously won, I kissed along his jaw line as he moaned in my ear. His hands rode up my thigh pulling up my hospital gown whilst my hands ripped his shirt off. For those precious minutes I forgot about how Jonathan was supposed to find his mate, forgot that I was even at the hospital and forgot about my aching muscles all together but we all know nothing lasts forever. We had finally cut short our make out session for some much needed air when he whispered, "I love you Hillary, the whole time I saw you hurting killed me. I can't lose you, ever."

"I love you too and I can't lose you either." We stared at each other lovingly when Jonathan had this weird look on his face. He brought his face up higher in the air and sniffed. Not long after he did that a gorgeous nurse with blonde hair and green eyes came through the door. Her back was to us and she was bringing in a cart of hospital food, you could tell her body was tense. She grabbed a tray of food and as she was turning around to hand it to us she said, 

"I'm sorry to interrupt but I'm here to bring you yo-" her sentence was cut short when both her and Jonathan's eyes locked. She gasped and the tray of food she was holding fell onto the floor with a loud clatter, they stood there staring at eachother mesmorised. I looked from one person to the other, my heart cracking slowly... painfully. 

"Mine!" her melodic voice whispered to which Hillary's voice can not compare. 

"Mine!" he repeated just as roughly. I closed my eyes so forcefully in which a tear slipped out.

They're mates. Jonathan found his mate. I finally let my heart break into two.   


Hey guys! Roberta was literally forcing me to upload this chapter! So here it is! I hope you guys enjoyed it, show it some love :P




~Hildaa xx

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